Approximate relation between the ray vector and the wave normal in weakly anisotropic media

Ivan Psencik & Vaclav Vavrycuk


Determination of the ray vector (the unit vector specifying the direction of the group velocity vector) corresponding to a given wave normal (the unit vector parallel to the phase velocity vector or slowness vector) in an arbitrary anisotropic medium can be performed using the exact formula following from the ray tracing equations. The determination of the wave normal from the ray vector is, generally, a more complicated task, which is usually solved iteratively. We present a first-order perturbation formula for the approximate determination of the ray vector from a given wave normal and vice versa. The formula is applicable to qP as well as qS waves in directions, in which the waves can be dealt with separately (i.e. outside singular directions of qS waves). Performance of the approximate formulae is illustrated on models of transversely isotropic and orthorhombic symmetry. We show that the formula for the determination of the ray vector from the wave normal yields rather accurate results even for strong anisotropy. The formula for the determination of the wave normal from the ray vector works reasonably well in directions, in which the considered waves have convex slowness surfaces. Otherwise, it can yield, especially for stronger anisotropy, rather distorted results.


Wave normal, ray vector, weak anisotropy.

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Stud. geophys. geod., 46 (2002), 793-807.
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