Released versions of package CRT

Released versions: 1.00 (1988, June): Preliminary version, contains only subroutines for model specification, no complete ray tracing subroutines. 2.00 (1990, February): Common release with model specification routines. First consistent version of the ray tracing program. The routines determining the take-off parameters of rays are awfully primitive. Poorly debugged. 3.00 (1991, January): Common release with model specification routines. New version of the file 'rpar.for' determining the take-off parameters of rays: one-parametric boundary-value ray tracing. Principal errors removed in the files 'ray.for', 'raycb.for' and 'trans.for'. Some of the points of intersection of rays with the given surfaces may be selected for storing the computed quantities - minor changes in the files 'ray.for' and 'writ.for'. 4.00 (1992, December): MODEL and CRT packages has been split: 'raycb.for' splitted into 'means.for' (MODEL) and 'raycb.for' (CRT). 'crt.for': Split into 'crt.for' and 'crtin.for', name of the data set CRT read from the * unit. 'ray.for': Indices of end surfaces supplemented with the signs, boundaries of the computational volume enabled to be storing surfaces. 'raycb.for': *** Considerable changes and corrections.*** 'trans.for': Corrections for nearly normal incidence, and for weakly refracted or nearly grazing rays corrected. 'init.for': Definition of material parameters, and of the signs of auxiliary surfaces at the initial points corrected. 'rpar.for': Reading the data for an auxiliary surface specifying the profiles enabled. 'writ.for': Specification of the names of output files slightly generalized, independent variable X along rays added to the output files, some other minor changes. 'scropc.for': Minor changes. E.g., refreshing wave index on the screen added, renumbering of colour indices removed (unfortunately, the renumbering may be useful on some computers). *** new FORTRAN77 source code files ***: 'calcomp.for': CalComp to GKS graphic interface. 'ap.for': Applications and processing of the results of complete ray tracing, only the first 1/3 of subroutines. 'inv1.for', 'inv3.for', and 'inv4.for': Provisions towards a tomographic inversion. 4.10 (1994, January): 'ap.for' split into 'ap.for' and 'apvar.for'. 'crtin.for', 'code.for', 'ray.for', 'trans.for', 'init.for', 'rpar.for', 'writ.for', 'calcomp.for', 'ap.for', 'apvar.for', 'inv1.for', 'inv3.for', 'inv4.for': Error messages, previously generated by statements like STOP 'Error...', are now generated by PAUSE 'Error...' followed by the STOP statement, in order to suspend the batch files in the case of error (the date of subroutines not updated). 'crtin.for', 'code.for', 'ray.for', 'init.for', 'rpar.for', 'writ.for', 'scropc.for', 'calcomp.for', 'ap.for': Each BLOCK DATA subprogram has been declared EXTERNAL in the subroutine designed to read or initialize the data shared. The subroutine is the first subroutine in the corresponding file, after the BLOCK DATA subprogram, and was always assumed to be called before the data in the corresponding common blocks can be used. 'calcomp.for', 'ap.for': External procedures declared EXTERNAL. 'code.for': Subroutine CODE1 has been corrected and updated - determination of the common parts of elementary waves enabled. 'rpar.for': Several bugs fixed. Subroutines restructured in order to separate one-parametric shooting from the parts useful also for possible future upgrade to two-parametric shooting. Specification of profiles along coordinate planes simplified. Profile coordinates in a separate file enabled. *** change in input data: Index of the second X-function (receiver coordinate) reserved for future extensions *** 'writ.for': Generation of error message 557 corrected. Indications IEND,ISHEET added to the output files with initial points of rays. 'ap.for': Wrong second travel-time derivatives fixed. Statements dealing with curvilinear coordinates denoted by '*' in the first column. 'crt.for', 'code.for', 'raycb.for', 'init.for', 'rpar.for', 'writ.for', 'scronul.for', 'scropc.for', 'calcomp.for', 'ap.for', 'apvar.for', 'inv1.for': Other minor fix-ups and changes. *** new FORTRAN77 source code files ***: 'crtray.for': Program converting the unformatted output of program CRT into formatted files with rays suitable for plotting. 5.00 (1996, September): 'crt.for': Minor update. 'code.for': Minor correction of comments. 'raycb.for': Updated. Subroutine PSHIFT considerably. Boundaries of computational box enabled as storing surfaces. 'trans.for': *** Reduced amplitudes corrected.*** 'init.for': *** Updated, input data changed. *** In particular, initial line and surface fixed. 'rpar.for': *** Considerably corrected and updated, input data changed. Split into 'rpar.for' and 'rp2d.for'. Calls to 'rp3d.for' enabled. *** 'writ.for': *** Updated. Input data changed. *** Indication IREC added to the output files with initial points of rays, files with indices of rays forming homogeneous triangles in the ray-parameter domain now generated. Check for nonexisting rays supplied. 'scropc.for': Updated. Default plotting units switched to inches. 'ap.for': *** Considerably corrected and updated.*** 'crtray.for': Considerably updated. 'plotvdi.for','ploth.for','plotvax.for': Discarded. 'calcomp.for': Moved to package MODEL. 's1-code.dat': Renamed to 'code1.dat'. 's1-crt.dat','s1-rpar.dat','s2-crt.dat': Changed, renamed and moved to subdirectory 'len'. 'inv1.dat','points.dat','ftt.dat': Changed, renamed and moved to subdirectory 'u2d'. 'inv3grid.dat': Renamed to 'inv3.dat'. '*.pre': Updated, renamed to 'prem*.*', and moved to subdirectory 'prem'. 'crtpc.bat': Discarded. *** new ***: All files converted from UPPERCASE to both UpperCase and LowerCase (for better reading and Unix systems), INCLUDE statement introduced for COMMON blocks. '*.inc': Include files with COMMON blocks. SAVE statement is now used consistently for COMMON blocks All files with main programs supplemented with the INCLUDE statements to include all files with called subroutines to simplify the compilation and linking considerably. MS-DOS batch files supplemented with corresponding Unix scripts. 'rp3d.for': Subroutines to control the two-parametric shooting algorithm for 3-D two-point ray tracing. 'scronum.for'... New simple basic version of the screen output subroutines. 'crtout.for','ttsort.for','crt2p.for','crtpts.for': Subroutines and programs to convert or process the unformatted output of program CRT. 'green.for': Program to convert the output of program CRT into the ray-theory elastodynamic Green function. 'greenss.for': Program to read the ray-theory elastodynamic Green function and to generate time-domain synthetic seismograms or frequency-domain response functions. 'ss.for' and 'sp.for': Programs to generate and plot synthetic seismograms, adopted from package SW84, updated for the list-directed input and the GSE data exchange format, commented. 'srpcrt.bat','lcrt.bat': Sample MS-DOS batch files. 'len','prem','elf1','u2d': Subdirectories with examples of input data corresponding to different seismic models. 5.10 (1997, October): *** probably not all changes are listed here *** 'inv1.for' split into 'soft.for', 'inv1soft.for' and 'inv1tt.for'. 'soft.for', 'inv1soft.for', 'inv3.for','inv3.dat','inv4.for' moved to package MODEL. 'crt.doc' renamed to 'crtdoc.htm' and revised. 'lcrt.bat' renamed to 'fcrt.bat' and revised. 'code.for','ray.for','init.for','rpar.for','rp2d.for': BLOCK DATA subprograms cancelled. 'crtpts.for','green.for','greenss.for','ss.for','sp.for', 'inv1tt.for': Memory managed by means of ''. Descriptions corrected and updated in most files. All error descriptions moved towards the corresponding reporting statements. Errors renumbered in some files. Warnings written to log files instead of the console. 'rpar.for': KMAH index included also in the history of an unsuccessful ray. New option to include or not the boundaries of the computational volume into ray histories. Default input value of IPOINT changed. 'rp3d.for': *** Considerably corrected and updated.*** 'ap.for': Reading just initial points enabled. *** Severe bug fixed in AP21. *** 'writ-s.dat' renamed to 'writsrf.dat' and 'writall.dat' supplemented. *** new *** All Fortran files supplemented with HTML references. 'rpplot.for': Plotting ray parameters. 'crt2d3d.for': Converting 2-D results of CRT for MTT. 'mtt.for': Interpolation within ray cells. 'mttgrd.for': Converting multivalued travel times produced by program MTT into several singlevalued grids corresponding to individual ray histories. 5.20 (1998, October): All error messages in the Fortran files, previously generated by statements like PAUSE 'Error ...', are now generated by CALL ERROR('...') in order to enable to fit the error handling for a particular computer by editting file 'error.for' (the date of subroutines not updated). Most warning messages in the Fortran files, previously generated by statements like PAUSE 'Warning ...', are now generated by CALL WARN('...'). 'crtdoc.htm' split into 'crtdoc.htm' and 'crtver.htm', list of files moved to 'crt.htm'. 'ss.for','sp.for': *** Moved to package FORMS. *** 'crt.for': Subroutine LUWARN moved to '../forms/error.for'. 'raycb.for','init.for','crtpts.for': *** Severe bugs fixed. *** 'rpar.for': Now writing the table of ray histories and optionally checking whether a ray satisfies the whole code. 'rp2d.for': Revised. 'rp3d.for': *** Considerably revised: Distance of a two-point ray from the receiver may now exceed XERR (with warning in logout file), some bugs fixed. *** 'rpplot.for': *** Input data changed *** (name of output plot can be specified). CRT output files containing more than one elementary wave may now be used. 'rpsymb.for': Bugs causing stack overflow in PostScript fixed. 'mttgrd.for': *** All output grids (data cubes) now written into a single file by default, N4 appended to input SEP file. *** 'ray.for': Comments updated. 'crtout.for','','','', '','': Minor corrections. 'ap.for': Bugs in subroutines AP00 and AP03 fixed. 'inv1tt.for': A bug fixed. *** new *** All MS-DOS batch files '*.bat' and Unix scripts '*' replaced by corresponding Perl scripts '*.pl' or by history files '*.h' containing the lines specifying how to run the programs. 'crtcart.for': Program converting rays calculated by program 'crt.for' from curvilinear to Cartesian coordinates, which are required by 'mtt.for'. 'mtt.for': *** Considerably revised: Bicubic travel-time interpolation introduced, errors on sides of ray cells removed, 'indexx.for' used to speed up sorting of ray tubes, interpolation of slowness vector enabled, minor errors in caustic regions connected with number of roots of cubic equation removed. *** 'green.for': *** Input data changed to SEP format *** Calculating frequency-dependent elementary Green functions using coupling ray theory in anisotropic models. 'wan.for': Subroutines for coupling ray theory in weakly anisotropic models. 'greenss.for': *** Input data changed to SEP format *** Able to read frequency-dependent elementary Green functions (e.g., of coupling ray theory for S waves). May include the response of the transmission through a stack of fine horizontal layers at each receiver location.