Several approaches to computing body wave seismograms in 2-D and 3-D laterally inhomogeneous layered structures are suggested. They are based on the Gaussian beam method, which has been recently applied to the evaluation of time-harmonic high-frequency wavefields in inhomogeneous media. Three variants are discussed in some detail: the spectral method, the convolutory method and the wave-packet method. The most promising seems to be the wave-packet approach. In this approach, the wavefield, generated by a source, is expanded into a system of wave packets, which propagate along rays from the source in all directions. The wave packets change their properties due to diffusion, spreading, reflections/transmissions, etc. The resulting seismogram at any point of the medium is then obtained as a superposition of those packets which propagate close to the point. The final expressions in all three methods are regular even in regions, in which the ray method fails, e.g. in the vicinity of caustics, in the critical region, at boundaries between shadow and illuminated regions, etc. Moreover, they are not as sensitive to the minor details of the medium as the ray method and, what is more, they remove the time-consuming two-point ray tracing from computations. Numerical examples of synthetic seismograms computed by the wave-packet approach are presented.
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