Complete ray tracing Fortran77 routines

Ludek Klimes


A self-consistent system of FORTRAN77 routines for the complete ray tracing in 3-D inhomogeneous structures with curved interfaces is presented. The complete ray tracing is understood to mean the standard ray tracing supplemented by the dynamic ray tracing and the evaluation of the reduced vectorial complex-valued amplitudes. The model is composed of "complex" geological blocks separated by interfaces consisting of several smooth surfaces. The distribution of material parameters (P and S wave velocities, density, P and S wave attenuation factors) within each complex block must be smooth. The model may be expressed in Cartesian or curvilinear coordinates. The description of the subroutines, input and output data may be found within the corresponding FORTRAN77 source code files.

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Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2212, Ashley Reproductions, Ottawa, 1990, 262 pages (DOI 10.4095/130830)