3-D ray tracing followed by interpolation of the computed quantities between the rays is a powerful tool for computation of ray-theory travel times, amplitudes and other quantities at the gridpoints of dense rectangular grids. Several methods based on the decomposition of the model volume into ray cells, and on further interpolation within the individual ray cells, have recently been introduced. We propose bilinear and bicubic interpolation schemes, which should be applicable in any modelling method based on interpolation within ray cells. The bicubic interpolation is designed for travel times and the bilinear interpolation for other quantities.
The interpolation schemes have been incorporated into a controlled initial-value ray tracing program package. Multivalued ray-theory travel-time computation in a heterogeneous 3-D model is shown as an example.
Inhomogeneous media, ray theory, seismic modelling, wave propagation, ray tracing, traveltime.
The reprint is available in PDF (640 kB).
The manuscript of the paper is available in PostScript (10119 kB) and GZIPped PostScript (2261 kB). Note that the quality of the figures in the manuscript is much better than in the reprint.