The basic concepts of the MODEL and CRT (Complete Ray Tracing) Fortran77 packages were described by Cerveny, Klimes & Psencik (1988). Package MODEL is designed to specify seismic models, independently of the concepts of the ray theory. Package CRT is intended to perform "complete ray tracing" in models specified by means of the MODEL package. The most important descriptions of the input data and program structures may be found in the source code files. The basic, overall documentation may be found in files MODEL.DOC and CRT.DOC, supplemented by the description FORMS.DOC of some general formats of output formatted files. The packages are designed in a modular way, to enable modifications by means of replacing some routines by user-defined ones. That is why documentation files MODEL.DOC and CRT.DOC do not include the description of the input data. Files MODEL.DOC and CRT.DOC are intended only as guides where (in which files) to find a specific piece of information. The description of the subroutines, input and output data may be found within the corresponding FORTRAN77 source code files. Most of the routines are commented. Thus this contribution is not an overview, it just briefly points out some topics, mostly properly mentioned neither in the paper by Cerveny, Klimes & Psencik (1988). nor in the disk files. A separate section of this contribution is devoted to the application of the MODEL and CRT software packages in seismic travel-time tomography, because these new features of the MODEL and CRT packages were not discussed by Cerveny, Klimes & Psencik (1988).
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