Comparison of ray-matrix and finite-difference methods in a simple 1-D model

Ludek Klimes


A simple 1-D model, consisting of a low velocity layer covering a homogeneous halfspace, is used to compare the ray-matrix synthetic seismograms with the finite-difference synthetic seismograms. The computation has been carried out according to the history file which contains both the input data and the instructions on program execution. The structure of the history file is discussed in detail, including the comments on the input data.


Ray methods, matrix methods, Green function, synthetic seismograms, history files.

Whole paper

The paper is available in PDF (525 kB).

Final version

Klimes, L. (2019): Comparison of ray-matrix and finite-difference methods in a simple 1-D velocity model. Stud. geophys. geod., 63, 247-256.

Expanded abstract

Klimes, L.: Comparison of ray-matrix and finite-difference methods in a simple 1-D model. Expanded Abstracts of 70th Annual Meeting (Calgary), pp. 2325-2328, Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, Tulsa, 2000.

In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 7, pp. 169-180, Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, 1998.
SW3D - main page of consortium Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures .