MODEL version 4.10
- (A) Documentation:
- model.doc
- forms.doc
- (B) General subroutines dealing with blocky geological structures:
- model.for
- (C) Sample user-defined model specification routines required for
forward modelling:
- metric.for
- srfc.for
- parm.for
- val.for
- fit.for
- (D) Additional model specification routines related to inverse modelling:
- var.for
- varnul.for
- spsp.for
- (E) Service routines useful to handle the model and to perform some
- means.for
- array.for
- hpcg.for
- rkgs.for
- (F) Sample application programs and routines working with the model:
- grid.for
- modsec.for
- sec.for
- lindxf.for
- linacd.for
- (G) Source code editing program:
- clean.for
- (H) Demo files:
- model.dat
- grid.dat
- gridnet.dat
- sec.dat
- sec-pts.dat
- mod.bat
Packages MODEL up to version 4.10, CRT up to version 4.10,
and NET up to version 2.00 are coded solely in uppercase.
To execute the programs with demo data on a case-sensitive
system (e.g., Unix), the lowercase filenames
have to be changed to UPPERCASE FILENAMES.
- main page of consortium Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures .