Package DATA version 6.10
New in version 6.10
- Model with a lenticular inclusion (LEN)
- Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM)
- Model with homogeneous layers (ELF1, MI)
- Salt dome models (SD1 and SD2)
- Model with interface slitted by a curved
vertical fault (SLIT)
- Western Bohemia a priori model (WB2)
- Model of real geological structure (L7)
- Gridded 2-D Marmousi model (MAR)
- Unconformity 2-D model (U2D)
- 1-D model (RM)
- Weakly anisotropic model (QI)
- Sample synthetic 3-D model (98)
- 1-D anisotropic "twisted crystal" model (TC)
- Simple smooth 3-D model (N2)
- 2-D representation of the Laguerr
random medium (RAN)
- 2-D model with a salt body (HES)
- 1-D constant velocity gradient model (VGR)
- SEG/EAGE Salt Model (SAL)
- 2-D model Pluto 1.5 (PLU)
- Computation of R/T coefficients
- Models of the Cotton Valey site (CV)
- Model with planar interfaces (EX)
- Correlation functions of random media
Model with a lenticular inclusion (LEN)
- 3-D model with a lenticular inclusion is a synthetic demo model
for SW3D package MODEL.
- VRML and GOCAD representations
and snapshots of the model
- Examples with history files:
- Transforming surfaces and velocity sections into VRML
or GOCAD. Computing 3-D P-wave velocity cube (GOCAD Voxet). 
- Generating colour PostScript files with the velocity sections
across the model. 
- Generating 3-D grids of values of velocity and of indices of complex
- Performing initial-value ray tracing of rays shot in a single vertical
plane from the point source. 
- Performing 3-D two-point ray tracing for a point source. Adding
source, receivers and two-point rays into VRML
or GOCAD representation of the model with surfaces. 
- Transforming wavefronts and two-point rays into VRML. 
- 3-D two-point ray tracing for the plane wave incident
at the bottom of the model. 
- 3-D two-point ray tracing for exploding reflector
(zero-offset rays). 
- Controlled initial-value ray tracing in the model followed
by 3-D interpolation of travel times within ray cells. 
- Initial-value ray tracing of the cone of rays in the model followed
by calculation of the derivatives of the travel times with respect
to the model B-spline coefficients. Adding source, receivers and
rays into VRML or GOCAD representation of the model with
- Performing shortest path calculation of
the first arrival travel times and the corresponding rays on
a rectangular grid in the model (network ray tracing). 
- Simple demonstration history file used to debug and test the
inversion programs. The data to be inverted are created by
discretization of model LEN. The same model is
then obtained by the overdetermined least-square inversion. 
- Brief description of data files
for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT, NET
- Related papers
Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM)
- 3-D B-spline approximation of the model PREM
(Dziewonski and Anderson 1981),
specified in geographical spherical coordinates.
- Snapshots of the model
- Examples with history files:
- Generating PostScript files with the sections across the model
PREM displaying the velocities and indices of complex blocks. 
- Transforming surfaces and a velocity section into VRML or GOCAD. 
- Tracing pPKP+pPKiKP, pPKIKP, PKP+PKiKP and PKIKP rays in spherical
- Guide to the input data
for the complete ray tracing program.
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
Model with homogeneous layers (ELF1, MI)
- 3-D model with four homogeneous layers separated by dipping plane
- VRML and GOCAD representations
and snapshots of the model
- Examples with history files and perl scripts:
- Transforming model with homogeneous layers separated by plane
interfaces (ELF1) into VRML or GOCAD. 
- Performing 3-D two-point ray tracing for moving source and receiver
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
- Related papers
Salt dome model (SD1)
and dislocated salt dome model (SD2)
- Sample 3-D synthetic models of a salt dome.
- VRML and GOCAD representations
and snapshots of the model
- Examples with history files:
- Transforming salt dome model (SD1) and dislocated salt dome model
(SD2) into VRML or GOCAD. 
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL
- Related papers
Model with interface slitted by a curved
vertical fault (SLIT)
- Image of the model
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL
- Related papers
Western Bohemia a priori model (WB2)
- 3-D Western Bohemia a priori model prepared as a test model resembling
the conditions of refraction seismic measurements performed in
Western Bohemia.
- VRML and GOCAD representations
and snapshots of the model
- Examples with history files:
- Transforming the surface and velocity sections into VRML or GOCAD. 
- Kinematic hypocentre determination (minimum ray-theory travel
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL
- Related papers
Model of real geological structure (L7)
- 3-D model of real geological structure provided by Institut Francais
du Petrole. Present version contains only two of seven structural
- VRML and GOCAD representations
and snapshots of the model
- Examples with history files:
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
- Related papers
Gridded 2-D Marmousi model and INRIA
bench-mark versions of the 2-D Marmousi model (MAR)
- 2-D Marmousi model is based on real geological structure
(Versteeg & Grau 1991).
- Examples with history files:
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
- Related papers
Unconformity 2-D model (U2D)
- Unconformity 2-D model by
Cormier and Mellen (1984).
- Examples with history files:
- Generating PostScript file with the section across the model
U2D displaying the P-wave velocity. 
- Performing 2-D two-point ray tracing and generating synthetic seismograms. 
- Performing 2-D two-point ray tracing and plotting travel times. 
- Comparing ray-theory and finite-difference synthetic seismograms. 
- Generating system of equations for travel-time inversion. 
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT, FD
- Related papers
1-D model (RM)
- 1-D model RM consists of a thin homogeneous low-velocity layer
covering homogeneous halfspace.
- Examples with history files:
- Comparing ray-matrix and 2-D finite differences seismograms in
1-D model RM. 
- Data files
for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT, RM, FD
- Related papers
Weakly anisotropic model (QI)
- Weakly anisotropic model QI for comparison of synthetic seismograms
with package ANRAY.
- Examples with history files:
- Computing coupling ray theory and four kinds of quasi-isotropic ray
theory synthetic seismograms. Calculating second-order perturbations
of travel times. 
- Running history file 'qi-ss.h' for four different models,
which differ in the degree of anisotropy.
Calculating travel times by programe ANRAY, and comparing
the results of ANRAY and CRT. 
- Test of anisotropic common S wave ray tracing in different models.
- Computing isotropic, anisotropic, and coupling ray theory
synthetic seismograms in the model with a very weak anisotropy. 
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
- Related papers
Sample synthetic 3-D model (98)
- Sample synthetic 3-D model created during the technical session
of the SW3D consortium meeting in June 1998. The model is composed
of three layers separated by two interfaces. A salt body in
the middle layer is bounded by a spherical interface.
- VRML and GOCAD representations
and snapshots of the model
- Examples with history files:
- Sample computations in the model 98
(generating PostScript figures of velocity sections, transforming
surfaces into VRML or GOCAD, calculating multi-valued travel times,
generating synthetic seismograms)
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
- Related papers
1-D anisotropic "twisted crystal" model (TC)
- 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" and
"oblique twisted crystal" models.
- Examples with history files:
- Analytically computing propagator matrices in model "simplified
twisted crystal", and comparing the results with Green functions
computed by CRT.
Comparing the analytical solution with finite-difference solution
in the frequency domain.
Generating synthetic seismograms and plotting a figure of comparison of
different ray-tracing methods. 
- Analytically computing exact propagator matrix in model
"oblique twisted crystal", and comparing the results with
different quasi-isotropic approximations of the coupling ray theory
computed by CRT.
Generating synthetic seismograms and plotting a figure
of the comparison. 
- Data files: one-purpose Fortran codes,
data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT and for the one-purpose codes
- Description of files related to
the finite-difference solution
- Related papers
Simple smooth 3-D model (N2)
- Simple smooth 3-D model to demonstrate network ray tracing in the paper
by Klimes and Kvasnicka (1994).
- Examples with history files:
- Calculating velocity isolines in 2-D sections. Computing rays and
travel times by network ray tracing. 
- Brief description of data files
for packages MODEL, NET
2-D representation of the Laguerr random medium (RAN)
- Examples with history files:
- Generating a 2-D representation of the Laguerr random medium
and calculating first arrival travel times. 
- Data files for packages FORMS, NET
- Related papers
2-D model with a salt body (HES)
- 2-D model of real geological structure with a salt body
by Scott Morton of the Amerada Hess Corporation.
- Examples with history files:
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
- Related papers
1-D constant velocity gradient model (VGR)
- 1-D constant velocity gradient model by Pascal Podvin
(Podvin and Lecomte 1991).
- Examples with history files:
- Iterative network ray tracing within Fresnel volumes. 
- Numerical calculation of geometrical spreading from
gridded slowness vectors. 
- Brief description of data files
for packages FORMS, CRT, NET
- Related papers
SEG/EAGE Salt Model (SAL)
- 3-D SEG/EAGE Salt Model with features similar to those
of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico salt structure
(Aminzadeh et al. 1997).
VRML and GOCAD representations and snapshots
of the model smoothed for ray tracing
- Examples with history files:
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
2-D model Pluto 1.5 (PLU)
- 2-D model Pluto 1.5 of real geological structure with a salt bodies
created by Smaart Joint Venture.
- Examples with history files:
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
Computation of R/T coefficients
- Examples with history files:
- Data files for package FORMS
- Related papers
Models of the Cotton Valey site (CV)
- Several models of a real structure in the Cotton Valey site
based on a simultaneous inversion of the data by James Rutledge.
- Examples with history files:
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
Model with planar interfaces (EX)
- 3-D analytical model with five homogeneous layers separated by dipping plane
- Sample synthetic 3-D model created during the technical session
of the SW3D consortium meeting in June 2004. The model is composed
of five layers separated by three planar interfaces and one interface
composed of two horizontal and two tilted planes.
- VRML and GOCAD representations
and snapshots of the reflected two-point rays calculated in the model
- Examples with history files:
- Transforming the model into VRML or GOCAD. 
- Performing 3-D two-point ray tracing for given source and receiver
- Running history file 'ex-wrl.h', and then running history file
'ex-crt.h' for three different source and receiver profile positions. 
- Data files for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT
Correlation functions of random media (CORFUN)
- History files to calculate different realizations of random media
in terms of a white noise filtered by spectral filters enabling
the random media used in geophysics to be specified (Gaussian,
exponential, von Karman, self-affine, Kummer).
- Examples with history files:
- Generating PostScript figures of random functions with different
correlation functions using 2-D program 'grdran2d.for'. 
- Generating and plotting representations of random functions
with different correlation functions. Calculates the same figures
as 'corfun.h' but using 3-D programs 'grdran.for', 'grdfft.for',
'grdcor.for', 'grdcal.for' and 'grdstat.for'. 
- Calculating the von Karman medium correlation function by FFT
(programs 'grdfft.for', 'grdcor.for', 'grdcal.for') and comparing
the result with analytic solution calculated by 'grdckn.for'. 
- Related papers
List of error messages
- Aminzadeh, F., Brac, J., Kunz, T. (1997): 3-D Salt and Overthrust Models.
SEG/EAGE 3-D Modeling Series No.1., Soc. Explor. Geophysicists, Tulsa.
- Cormier, V.F. & Mellen, M.H. (1984): Application of asymptotic ray
theory to vertical seismic profiling. In: Toksoz, M.N. & Stewart, R.R.
(eds.), Vertical Seismic Profiling: Advanced Concepts, pp. 28-44,
Geophysical Press, London.
- Dziewonski, A.M. & Anderson, D.L. (1981): Preliminary reference
Earth model. Phys. Earth planet. Inter., 25, 297.
- Klimes, L. and Kvasnicka, M. (1994): 3-D network ray tracing.
Geophys. J. int., 116, 726-738.
- Podvin, P. & Lecomte, I. (1991): Finite difference computation
of traveltimes in very contrasted velocity models: a massively
parallel approach and its associated tools., 105, 271-284.
- Versteeg, R.J. & Grau, G. (1991): The Marmousi experience. Proc. EAGE
workshop on Practical Aspects of Seismic Data Inversion (Copenhagen,
1990), Eur. Assoc. Explor. Geophysicists, Zeist.