Format: DVD-R
On this compact disc:
General remarks on the SW3D software
Fortran 77 package FORMS version 6.20
Fortran 77 package MODEL version 6.20
Fortran 77 package CRT version 6.20
Fortran 77 package NET version 3.30
Fortran 77 package ANRAY version 4.60
Fortran 77 package FD version 5.50
Fortran package RMATRIX
Fortran 77 package NR version 6.20
Fortran package SEIS88
Package DATA version 6.20 containing the demo data
Alphabetical list of input SEP parameters of all programs
SW3D consortium WWW page on 14 June 2008
without software
(over 330 complete papers in HTML, GIF, PS or PDF)
Crossreferences between the packages

Upper packages require lower packages connected by solid lines
and can employ lower packages connected by dashed lines.
Internet links to related WWW sites:
Current SW3D consortium WWW page
Department of Geophysics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic