Two smooth continuous bench-mark 2-D models without structural interfaces, based on the Marmousi model, have been prepared for the workshop "Computation of multi-valued traveltimes" held in INRIA Rocquencourt, France, on September 16-18, 1996. The "hard" model is globally quite rough and is smooth on the scales of the order of several metres. Let us point out once again that the "hard" model is a continuous model without interfaces. The "smooth" model is a considerably smoothed version of the "hard" model.
The slowness in both smooth models without interfaces is interpolated by natural bicubic splines in the regular grid of 122 points vertically times 384 points horizontally. The grid spacing is 0.024km in both directions. The size of the spline grid is thus 2.904km vertically and 9.192km horizontally. The grid velocities in both models, in m/s, are available at WWW address . The grid velocities are stored with the inner loop from the top to the bottom and the outer loop from the left to the right.
The figures below display the velocities in the centres of the square cells formed by the gridlines of the given B-spline grid. Corresponding PostScript figures may be calculated by history file mar-grd.h.
Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (1996): Examples of seismic models. Part 2. Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 4, pp. 39-52, Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague .