Fortran 77 package FORMS version 5.20
Package FORMS is designed to facilitate the data exchange between
individual programs and to simplify the writing, reading, comparing
and plotting the various kinds of data.
Package FORMS contains specifications of data forms,
subroutines to write and read them,
programs to perform simple operations with the data,
programs to generate the data of given properties,
simple graphics subroutines and programs, etc.
General description of package FORMS
Programming language,
error messages, screen output, etc.
Unified memory management.
New in version 5.20
History files.
General description of data forms
- SEP (parameter files):
- SEP (Stanford Exploration Project) parameter files
are convenient for the specification of input parameters of programs,
and especially for the description of grid dimensions for the
gridded data (data forms GRD and MGRD).
Subroutines to read and write the SEP data are collected in file
- GSE (seismograms):
- GSE waveform data exchange files are one of many seismological
standards used to store and exchange seismograms, and are very
simple and readable ASCII files.
Subroutines to read and write the GSE files are collected in file
- GRD (GRiDded data):
- Singlevalued data on regular rectangular grids are written
gridpoint-by-gridpoint into formatted files.
N1*N2*N3 grid values are stored in the Fortran manner, i.e.
with the inner loop corresponding to N1 and outer loop
corresponding to N3.
The files are designed to be read by the list-directed input
(free format). The null values are generated in place of undefined
travel times in a free space. The null values are treated as default
values when read by list-directed input (free format).
Example: 124 null values are written as ' 124* '.
The grid dimensions are usually assumed to be specified by
parameters N1, N2, N3 (numbers of gridpoints),
D1, D2, D3 (grid intervals),
O1, O2, O3 (coordinates of the grid origin, i.e., of the first gridpoint).
WARRAY to write real-valued gridded data,
WARRAI to write integer gridded data,
RARRAY to read real-valued gridded data,
RARRAI to read integer gridded data,
are collected in file forms.for.
- MGRD (Multivalued GRiDded data):
- Multivalued data on regular rectangular grids are given
by a couple of files:
(a) Integer gridded data file (form GRD) containing for each gridpoint
the number of data values.
(b) Formatted file containing all data values at the first,
second, ..., last gridpoints.
The subroutines to write and read singlevalued gridded data GRD
may be used to write and read these files.
- LIN (LINes):
- Subroutine FORM2
of file forms.for may be useful when writing
these data.
- PTS (PoinTS):
- Subroutine FORM2
of file forms.for may be useful when writing
these data.
- FTT (Travel Times):
- Subroutine FORM2
of file forms.for may be useful when writing
these data.
Compiling and linking programs of package FORMS
- Copy all files (or at least all *.for and *.inc
files) of package FORMS
into your working directory.
All the files may also be extracted using
pkunzip -d or
tar -xvf forms.tar
On a computer with a very small memory (less than 16 MB), you may
need to decrease array dimension MRAM in the include file
- If you wish to compile program grdran2d.for,
you need also subroutines
fourn.for and
ran2.for or
of the Numerical Recipes and the corresponding licence.
Refer to package NR.
- Now you may compile and link following programs of package FORMS:
All necessary subroutine files and include files are included
by the Fortran 90 INCLUDE command.
Fortran 77 subroutine files are included at the end of above
listed files containing main programs.
You may perform the above task by editing Perl script
designed to compile and link a single file, and then running Perl script by entering command
If you have no Perl interpreter, it should be available at
Running programs of package FORMS
It is recommended to run the programs from the
history files.
The history files may contain the information how to execute the programs,
the data read from standard input (Fortran)
or from the command line (Perl) and the data read
from the SEP parameter files.
- Data from standard input *:
Main input data of each program are read from the standard input,
and mostly consist of a single line containing filenames and
at most few numerical parameters.
Description of input data for PALLET
- Interpolation of colour tables.
Description of input data for SRP
- Translating the system of points (e.g., sources or receivers)
to a new position determined by the given configuration parameters.
Description of input data for GRDPTS
- Generating the file of form PTS, containing the coordinates of all
gridpoints of the given grid.
Description of input data for MGRD
- Converting multivalued grid data into several singlevalued grids.
Description of input data for GRDNEW
- Interpolating grid values into a new grid of different
dimensions or density.
Description of input data for GRDCAL
- Performing vectorial calculations with real-valued arrays
stored in disk files (i.e., with singlevalued gridded data).
Description of input data for GRDNORM
- Calculating the spatial density of the Lebesgue norm Ln
of gridded values.
Description of input data for GRDFD
- Calculating gradient of the grid values by means of
the second-order finite differences.
Description of input data for GRDRAN2D
- Generating a 2-D rectangular grid of random real numbers
having a desired spatial correlation function.
Description of input data for GRDMERGE
- Merging two nonoverlapping sets of values given on the same
grid into a single set, especially to display the data together.
Description of input data for GRDPS
- Displaying GRiD values in Post Script.
Description of input data for CREMOVE
- Splitting a Fortran code into executable statements and
comment lines.
Description of input data for SS
Program to read or generate
and filter the source time function. It may store the
filtered source time function and its Hilbert transform in
the GSE data exchange format, or read the frequency-domain
response function and generate synthetic seismograms in
the GSE data exchange format.
Description of input data for SP
Program to plot seismograms
previously stored in the GSE data exchange format.
List of error messages
File list of package FORMS
- (A) Documentation:
- forms.htm
This file (main HTML file containing basic description and
links the files of this package).
- formsdoc.htm
General documentation to package FORMS.
- formsver.htm
List of released versions.
- formserr.htm
List of error messages with links to their descriptions.
- formsdat.htm
General description of files containing Lines
(lines at interfaces, velocity isolines, rays, etc.) or
Points (gridded interfaces, sources, receivers, ray
endpoints, etc.). The files are introduced especially to
simplify data transfer and plotting.
- sep.htm
Description of history files.
- fortran.htm
Notes on programming language, coding, error messages,
screen output, etc.
- (B) Unified memory management and error handling:
Include file with COMMON block /RAMC/ designed to be
included in all programs demanding huge amounts of memory,
e.g., in programs dealing with dense rectangular grids of
points. Assuming no other considerable memory
requirements of the respective programs, this include file
enables to approximately adjust the memory requirements of
all programs for a particular computer at one go.
- error.for
Subroutines to handle error and warning messages.
- (C) Subroutines dealing with data forms:
- sep.for
Subroutines to read data in the form of the SEP history
or parameter files.
Include file with COMMON block for 'sep.for'.
- gse.for
Subroutines to write and read seismograms in the GSE
data exchange format.
- forms.for
Subroutines to write real arrays into disk files
and to read them, or to determine the best output format
for reals.
- length.for
Subroutines to convert a string into lowercase and to determine
the length of a string without trailing blanks.
- (D) Calcomp plotting subroutines:
- calcomp.for
Interface subroutines from the 'CalComp' to 'GKS'
(Graphic Kernel System) Level 0b subroutines. It contains
Include file with COMMON block for 'calcomp.for'.
- calcops.for
CalComp to PostScript interface containing the
CalComp plotting routines PLOTS, PLOT, NEWPEN, SYMBOL and NUMBER.
Include file with COMMON block for 'calcops.for'.
- calcops.rgb
Colour table to be used with 'calcops.for' by Petr Bulant.
- (F) Sample application programs:
- pallet.for
Program to interpolate the RGB colour pallet
linearly in the HSB colour space.
- ss.for
Program SS (Synthetic Seismograms) to read or generate
and filter the source time function. It may store the
filtered source time function and its Hilbert transform in
the GSE data exchange format, or read the frequency-domain
response function and generate synthetic seismograms in
the GSE data exchange format.
- sp.for
Program SP (Seismogram Plotting) to plot seismograms
previously stored in the GSE data exchange format.
- srp.for
Program to generate files containing source and
receiver points corresponding to given configuration
parameter(s). The dependence of the source and receiver
coordinates on the configuration parameters is assumed to
be linear.
- grdpts.for
Program to generate the file containing the
coordinates of all gridpoints of the given grid.
- mgrd.for
Program to convert a multivalued grid into several singlevalued grids.
- grdnew.for
Program to trilinearly interpolate grid values
into a new grid of different dimensions or density.
- grdcal.for
Program to perform vectorial calculations with
real-valued arrays (data cubes) stored in disk files.
Sample command files '*.cal' for program 'grdcal.for' describing simple
operations with gridded data.
- grdfd.for
Program to calculate gradient of the grid values by means of the
the second-order finite differences
- grdnorm.for
Program to calculate the spatial density of the Lebesgue norm
Ln of gridded values.
- grdran2d.for
Program to generate a 2-D rectangular grid of
random real numbers having a desired spatial correlation
function, specified variance and mean.
- grdmerge.for
Program to merge two nonoverlapping sets of
values given on the same grid into a single set.
- grdps.for
Program to Display GRiD values in PostScript.
- (G) Other routines useful for the related software packages:
- eigen.for
Subroutine EIGEN of the IBM Scientific Subroutine Package.
- (H) Auxiliary programs:
- cremove.for
Program to split a Fortran code into executable
lines and comment lines.
- (I) Perl scripts:
Perl counterpart of 'sep.for'.
Perl counterpart of 'forms.for'.
Perl script '' to run programs according to a history file
and to assist other Perl scripts in running programs and handling the
Perl script doing what Unix or MS-DOS 'echo' command does.
Perl script to append the content of a file to another file.
Perl script to check input data files required by history
files or various scripts.
Perl script to compare the files in two directories and delete
the files which are the same.
Perl script to compile and link a single Fortran 77
source code file with extension '.for'.
Perl script to compile the FORMS package by means of
predefined script '' compiling and linking a single
Fortran 77 source code file.
- (J) Demo data:
- grd.h
Example of the SEP parameter file describing the grid dimensions.
- grdran2d.dat
Example of input data for 'grdran2d.for'
supplemented with some comments.
- grdps.dat
Example of input data for 'grdps.for' supplemented
with some comments.
- corfun.h
Sample history file to generate PostScript
figures of random functions with different correlation functions.
It may be used to demonstrate Perl script ''.