Released versions of package DATA

5.90 (2005, June): LEN: 'len-mod.h': Minor change in GOCAD instructions. ELF1: 'elf1-mod.h': Minor change in GOCAD instructions. EX: New model with planar interfaces. QI: 'qi-ss4m.h': 'tableicr.for' and 'tableacr.for' substituted by 'watable.for'. 'qi-rpaa.dat': Change of shooting parameters for model QI8. 'qi-anray.h': The possibility of misusing wrong output files in cases when the right output files are not generated disabled. 'anray7.qi','anray8.qi': *** Change of shooting angles. *** 'tableacr.for': Second order perturbations along anisotropic common S-wave ray added. 'qi-acr.h': Change of UEBMUL to get the same results as in version 5.70. 'qilst.for' substituted by 'watable.for'. 'tableacr.for','tableacr.for','qilst.for': Removed, substituted by program 'watable.for'. SD: 'sd1-mod.h','sd2-mod.h': Minor change in GOCAD instructions. 98: '98-mod.h': Minor change in GOCAD instructions. SAL: New example of ray computations in smoothed SEG/EAGE model added (comparison of finite-difference and ray-theory seismograms, shot 145). WB: 'wb2-mod.h' Minor change in GOCAD instructions. CV: 'cv-inv.h': Minor change - number of iterations must be selected by the user prior to calculation. 6.00 (2006, June): PREM: 'prem-mod.h': History file to transform surfaces and a velocity section into VRML or GOCAD. L7: 'l7-crt.h': Default output file changed from Gocad to VRML. MAR: 'gpaxxx.h','gpmxxx.h','gpa.h','gpm.h','gpa-sm.dat', 'model2.dat','mar-mod2.dat','gb2-crt.dat','gpm-mod.dat', 'gpm-crt.dat','gpm-writ.dat','gpanal.for','gpstep.for', 'gpmig.for','': New programs and an example for 2-D Gaussian packet prestack depth migration. U2D: 'u2d-tt.h','u2d-writ.dat','u2d-ttc.dat': New data for plotting travel times. 'u2d-pap.htm': Updated. QI: 'qi-ss4m.h','qi-ss.h': Calculation of coupling ray theory seismograms along the common anisotropic rays with the second-order perturbations added. Comments updated. 'qi-ss.h': Compilation of auxiliary programs added. TC: 'greentc.for','greenmul.for': Undefined value UNDEF is now determined by function UARRAY of file 'forms.for'. 'tc.h','tco.h': Compilation of auxiliary programs added. SAL: 'sal-ray1.htm': Updated. 's145oe1.h','s145oe2.h','s145oe3.h','s145oe4.h', 's145oe5.h','s145oe6.h','s145se1.h','s145se2.h', 's145se3.h','s145se4.h','s145se5.h','s145se6.h', 's145se7.h','s145se8.h': Calculation of travel-time curves added and calculation of individual seismograms removed. 'oe-ttc.dat','se-ttc.dat': New files. CV: 'cv-inv.h': Check for files '*.cal' added. CORFUN: New directory with history files for correlation functions of random media moved here from package FORMS. 'cknfft.h': *** Several serious bugs fixed. *** 'corfft.h','corfun.h': Comments updated. 6.10 (2007, June): 'example.htm': Description updated - the default method is to copy all the data files into the working directory manually, as the option of using the path $SW3D is not system-independent. LEN: 'len-inv.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. MAR: 'mar-msig.h','mar-migr.h','mar-mcrt.h','gpaxxx.h','gpm.htm': Data files 'seis-001.h@' to 'seis-240.h@' put on web page, check for the files added to the history files. 'mar-inv.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. 'mar-crtz.htm','mar-crtz.h','mar-fttz.dat': Calculation of travel time derivatives with respect to model parameters removed, data file 'mar-fttz.dat' removed. *** Files renamed: *** '' to '' 'gb2-crt.dat' to 'mgp-crt1.dat', 'gb.htm' to 'mar-gbo.htm', 'gb-m0.dat' to 'mgb-m0.dat', 'gb-test.h' to 'mgb-test.h', 'gpa-sm.dat' to 'mgpa-sm.dat', 'gpm-crt.dat' to 'mgp-crt2.dat', 'gpm.htm' to 'mar-gpm.htm', 'gpmxxx.h' to 'mar-gpmx.h', 'mar-mod2.dat' to mar-mo3.dat', 'gb-crt.dat' to 'mgb-crt.dat', 'gb-inv.h' to 'mgb-inv.h', 'gb-opt.h' to 'mgb-opt.h', 'gpa.h' to 'mar-gpa.h', 'gpaxxx.h' to 'mar-gpax.h', 'gpm.h' to 'mar-gpm.h', 'gpm-writ.dat' to 'mgp-writ.dat', 'model2.dat' to mar-modx.dat, 'gpm-mod.dat' to 'mar-mo3c.dat' 'mar-gbo.htm': Description updated according to example in the paper: Zacek, K. (2006): Optimization of the Shape of Gaussian Beams. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 50, 346-366. 'mgb-inv.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. Calculation updated according to example in the paper: Zacek, K. (2006): Optimization of the Shape of Gaussian Beams. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 50, 346-366. Check for the files updated. 'mar-gpa.htm': New. 'mar-gpax.h': Plotting of seismograms to be decomposed, composed and differences between seismograms added for each shot, comments updated, check for the files updated. 'mar-gpa.h': Program 'grdcal.for' used to create files with constant initial parameters R0, Y0 of Gaussian packets (instead of 'grdte.for'), comments updated. 'mar-gpm.htm': Description updated according to example in the paper: Zacek, K. (2005): Gaussian packet prestack depth migration, In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 15, pp. 29-48. 'mar-gpmx.h': Check for the files updated. 'mar-gpm.h': Comments updated. 'mar-modc.dat': New. 'gbopt.for': Moved from package CRT to package DATA, directory MAR. Comments updated. 'gpanal.for': New SEP parameter NUMLIN, composition of seismograms uses all Gabor functions (all frequencies), comments updated. 'gpmig.for': New SEP parameter NUMLIN, SEP parameter GPK0 changed to GPPAR, comments updated. 'gpstep.for': SEP parameter RAYPAR changed to RPAR, SRC changed to REC, CSG changed to SRC, comments updated. TC: 'tc.h','tco.h': Compilation of auxiliary programs corrected. 'tcrot.for': New parameter NNUMLIN (no change in file date). HES: 'hes-inv.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. SAL: 'sal-inv1.h','sal-inv2.h','sal-inv3.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. PLU: 'plu-inv.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. CV: 'cv-inv.h','cv-inv1.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. 6.20 (2008, June): Attribute TYPE="..." added into all HTML links to text/html or text/plain files with extension other than .htm (without date or version change). MAR: 'mar-crtz.h','mar-crt.h','mar-rpaz.dat','mar-pic.dat', 'mar-picy.dat','mar-crtz.htm': Picture of two-point rays together with auxiliary rays added. 'mgb-inv.h','mgb-opt.htm': Optimum initial parameters of Gaussian beams can be computed also for common-shot gather. 'mgp-anx.h','mgp-an.htm': Wavefield decomposition performed using optimized Gaussian packets. 'gbopt.for': Initial values for numerical quadrature at the initial point added, correction for trapezoidal quadrature of a quadratic function added, saving of travel times added, SEP parameters and comments updated. 'gpanal.for': The code was restructured and sped up twenty times, SEP parameters and comments updated. 'gpmig.for': Limits of the loops over the grid points influenced by a Gaussian packet corrected (previously constant limits), usage of two files with model specification in different coordinates eliminated, SEP parameters and comments updated. 'gpstep.for': Part of code moved to gprpar.for, SEP parameters and comments updated. 'gprpar.for': New program to compute ray take-off parameters. Control of the maximum slowness added, SEP parameters and comments updated. 'ptsps.for': New program to plot PostScript figures of values at individual points, part of code taken from grdps.for. *** Files renamed: *** 'mar-gbo.htm' to 'mgb-opt.htm', 'mgb-inv.h' to 'mgb-opt.h', 'mgb-opt.h' to 'mgb-opt1.h', 'mar-gpa.htm' to 'mgp-an.htm', 'mar-gpa.h' to 'mgp-an1.h', 'mar-gpax.h' to 'mgp-an.h', 'mar-gpm.htm' to 'mgp-mig.htm', 'mar-gpm.h' to 'mgp-mig1.h', 'mar-gpmx.h' to 'mgp-mig.h', 'mgp-writ.dat' to 'mgp-wri.dat', 'mgb-wri.dat','mgb-test.h','mar-mo3.dat','mar-modx.dat', 'mar-mo3c.dat','mgpa-sm.dat': Files deleted. '','','','', 'gprpar.for','mgb-grd.h','mgbstep.ini','mgb-uni.h', 'mgp-step.h','ptsps.for','gb-sob11': New files. SAL: 'sal-inv2.h': Modified due to the new programs for operations with matrices. 'sal-inv3.h': Checks by '' corrected. 6.30 (2009, June): E-mail addresses replaced by WWW addresses (without date or version change). MAR: 'mar-picy.dat','mar-crtz.htm','mar-crty.htm': Colours in the picture of two-point rays together with auxiliary rays modified. 'mar-vel.h': Redundant parameter 'data_format' erased. 'mar-crt.dat': Strange values "-000" representing zeros changed to "0". 'gbopt.for': Check position of gridpoints modified, two links corrected. 'gpanal.for': Split into 'gpanal.for' and 'gpsynt.for', computation of minimum values of DXR1,DTR1,DP1 for each OMEGA added, to improve conditional computation of amplitudes of Gaussian packets (do not compute overlapping GP). Computation of DXR and DTR according to eq. (45),(46),(47) (Zacek, 2006) added. Some input parameters renamed. 'gpsynt.for': Replacing the smallest amplitudes of Gaussian packets by zeros added, parameters PKSI,PNY,KAPPA removed. 'gpstep.for': Computation of DXR and DTR according to eq. (45),(46),(47) (Zacek, 2006) added. Parameters PARKSI,PARNY renamed to PKSI,PNY, parameter PKSIT=PKSI*(1-PNY)/PNY added, OMEGAREF,OMEGAMAX renamed to OMEREF,OMEMAX. 'gpmig.for': Parameters PKSI,PNY removed. 'gprpar.for': Comments updated. 'mgb-opt.htm','mgp-an.htm','mgp-mig.htm': Updated. 'mgb-opt.h': Split to 'mgb-opt.h' and 'mgb-smo.h', parameters updated. 'mgp-step.h': New calculation of Y0MIN (R0*R0/Y0+Y0), parameters updated. '': New. 'mgb-opt1.h','mgb-grd.h','mgp-an.h','mgp-an1.h', 'mgbstep.ini','mgp-mig.h','mgp-mig1.h': Parameters updated. 'mgb-crt.dat','mgp-crt1.dat','mgp-crt2.dat': Computation volume modified. 'mgb-smo.h': New history file to smooth the initial parameters of Gaussian beams. PLU: 'plu.htm': Comments updated. SAL: 'sal-ray1.htm': Updated. 6.31 (2010, June): 'example.htm': Updated. MAR: 'gpanal.for','gpsynt.for': Comments updated. 6.50 (2011, May): 'example.htm': Moved to parent directory. QI: 'qih-ss.h': Comments updated, new comparison plot. 'qi-mod.dat': Minor typo in the parameter A22 corrected. 'qi1-ss.h','qi4-ss.h','sc-ss.h','kis-ss.h' and corresponding data files: Comparison of seismograms calculated by common-ray approximation of the coupling ray theory in models QI, QI4, SC1_I, SC1_II, ORT and KISS, with the seismograms calculated by first order ray tracing, and with the seismograms calculated by Fourier method. 'qi-pap.htm': Updated. P1I: New 2-D model of real structure. History files for construction of smooth model P1 and model P1I with structural interfaces. Calculation of synthetic seismograms simulating a reflection measurement in model P1I. Calculation of synthetic seismograms in model P1 using ray-based Born approximation. BORN: Three simple models to test the ray-based Born approximation. 6.60 (2012, June): MAR: 'mar-mcrt.h','mar-mpic.dat': Optional plotting of slowness together with the calculated two-point rays, plotting of the numbers of arrivals and calculated travel times together with two-point rays added. QI: 'fm/fm2gse.h','fort/fort2gse.h': Time shift of seismograms corrected. 'qi1-ss.h','qi4-ss.h','sc-ss.h','kis-ss.h': Step for calculations of seismograms corrected in order to agree with Fourier pseudospectral method seismograms and seismograms calculated by the FORT approximation of the coupling ray theory. Seismogram labels changed. 'qi1-ss.h','qi4-ss.h','sc-ss.h','kis-ss.h': Erroneous calling of program 'gsecal.for' corrected. 'qi-crt.dat': Step for the calculation of rays and for storing the quantities calculated along rays changed. 'sc1-crt.dat','sc2-crt.dat','ort-crt.dat': Step for storing the quantities calculated along rays changed. *** new *** 'qi1-ss.h','qi2-ss.h','qi4-ss.h','sc-ss.h','kis-ss.h': Prevailing-frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory seismograms calculated and compared with standard coupling ray theory and Fourier pseudospectral method seimograms. P1I: 'p1-mtt.h': Pictures of interpolated travel times added. 7.00 (2013, June): 'data.htm': Description of calculations in model U2D updated. 'data.htm','refdata.htm','*-pap.htm': All references moved to file 'refdata.htm', files '*-pap.htm' erased. '98-grd.h','98-mtt.h','98-ss.h','hes-mtt.h','hes-test.h', 'l7-grd.h','lenb-crt.h','len-crt.h','len-grd.h', 'len-grid.h','leni-mtt.h','len-inv.h','len-net.h', 'lenz-crt.h','mar-crt.h','mar-grd.h','mar-test.h', 'mar-vel.h','n2-net.h','plu-grd.h','prem-crt.h', 'prem-grd.h','ran-net.h','rm-fd.h','tc.h','u2d-fd.h', 'u2d-grd.h','u2d-inv.h','u2d-ss.h': Commands to execute programs with DATA equal to the name of the history file changed to execute the programs with blank DATA. 98: '98-rpa2.dat': Comments updated. '98.htm': Minor change. QI: 'qi2-ss.h': New calculation of broad-band coupling-ray theory synthetic seismograms in model QI2. U2D: 'u2d-ss.h': Line width of the seismograms in the output PostScript files modified. *** new *** QI: 'qih-pfa.h','qi1-pfa.h','qi2-pfa.h','qi4-pfa.h','sc-pfa.h', 'kis-pfa.h': Calculation of two prevailing-frequency approximation of the coupling-ray theory Green tensors along common anisotropic S-wave rays, calculation of synthetic seismograms along the rays, interpolation of travel times between the rays. 7.10 (2014, June): PREM: 'prem-src.dat': Comment updated. QI: 'qi-anray.h','qi-ss4m.h','qih-ss.h','qi1-ss.h','qi2-ss.h', 'qi4-ss.h': File 'anray.for' with the modified version of program ANRAY renamed to 'anray_44.for'. Files 'a2.for','a3.for','a4.for','a5.for','modbs.for' renamed to 'a2_44.for','a3_44.for','a4_44.for','a5_44.for', 'modbs_44.for'. Missing data file 'anrayqi2.qi' added. 'kis-ss.h','qi1-ss.h','qi2-ss.h','qi4-ss.h','sc-ss.h': Captions along the time axis of seimograms corrected. 'qih-pfa.h','qi1-pfa.h','qi2-pfa.h','qi4-pfa.h','sc-pfa.h', 'kis-pfa.h': Comments updated. 'refdata.htm': References to package DATA updated. 'refdata.htm','kis-pfa.h','qi1-ss.h','qi1-pfa.h','qi2-ss.h', 'qi2-pfa.h','qi4-ss.h','qi4-pfa.h','qih-ss.h','qih-pfa.h', 'sc-ss.h','sc-pfa.h': "Single-frequency" changed to "prevailing-frequency". RM: 'rm-fd.h': Comments updated. *** new *** QI: 'qi2-ss.h','qi4-ss.h','qi2-gr01.dat','qi2-gr02.dat', 'qi2-gr12.dat','qi4-gr01.dat','qi4-gr02.dat', 'qi4-gr12.dat': New calculation of synthetic seismograms using the prevailing-frequency approximation of the coupling-ray theory along anisotropic-ray-theory S1 and S2 rays. 'sc2-srf.h','sc2-a500.h','sc2-a.dat': New history file to triangularize the phase-slowness surface and the ray-velocity surface in model SC1_II and to display them in VRML or GOCAD. 7.20 (2015, June): QI: 'qi4-ss.h': Comments updated. 'qih-ss.h': Comments updated. *** new *** QI: 'sc-ss.h': New calculation of synthetic seismograms using prevailing-frequency approximation along SH and SV rays in models SC1_I and SC1_II. 'sc-ss-an.h','anraysc1.qi','anraysc2.qi','anrayort.qi', 'fresan.scr','fresan.sct','fresan.scv','': New history file to calculate anisotropic ray theory S-wave synthetic seismograms in models SC1_I, SC1_II and ORT using package ANRAY and to compare them with Fourier pseudo-spectral method. 'sc2-ani.h','sc2-rec.dat','sc2-rpan.dat','sc2-col.dat': New history file to calculate anisotropic rays in model SC1_II using the package CRT and to display the calculated rays in VRML or GOCAD. 'tidemo.h','sc0-a000.dat','wa-a000.dat': New history file to determine the reference TI symmetry axis in model SC1_II. 7.30 (2016, June): QI: 'qi-mod2.dat','qi-mod4.dat','qi-mod8.dat': Values of A11 and A22 specified with higher precission (5 digits after the decimal point instead of previous 4 digits). 'qi2-ss.h','qi2-grhv.dat','qi4-ss.h','qi4-grhv.dat': Calculation of synthetic seismograms using prevailing frequency approximation of the ray theory along two anisotropic approximately SH and SV reference rays added. 'sc2-ani.h','sc2-rpaw.dat': Minor update, output VRML or GOCAD files now contain all the four kinds of rays (common ray, two anisotropic rays, SH and SV rays). All types of rays calculated to all the receivers. *** new *** QI: 'tidemo.h': New possibility to calculate the density-reduced elastic moduli of the reference transversely isotropic medium. 'tidemo.h','ort.dat','tri.dat': Two new optional input files for program 'tiaxis.for'. 7.40 (2017, June): QI: 'sc2-srf.h','sc2-a000.dat': Slowness surfaces of faster S wave and of P wave added, calculation of anisotropy strength added, calculations at the depth of 0 km added. MAR: 'gbopt.for','gpanal.for','gpmig.for','gpstep.for', 'gpsynt.for','ptsps.for': Value of UNDEF used for undefined real values may now be specified as input SEP parameter (with date and version change). TC: 'greenmul.for','greentc.for','tcrot.for': Value of UNDEF used for undefined real values may now be specified as input SEP parameter (with date and version change). SAL: 'ptsselec.for': Value of UNDEF used for undefined real values may now be specified as input SEP parameter (with date and version change).