Fortran 77 package NET version 3.35

Prague, December 2018
Ludek Klimes
Department of Geophysics, Charles University Prague, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic
Michal Kvasnicka
Formerly Department of Geophysics, Charles University Prague, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic

This is just a general overview, the detailed description of input data, procedures, and other important topics is included within the individual FORTRAN77 source code files.

Copyright note

This software package is property of its authors, is distributed in source form, and may be used free of charge. If any result obtained with help of any part of this package is published, we appreciate citation of all papers related to the used part of this package. Refer to the references related to this package.

General remarks on the SW3D software

General description of network ray tracing package NET

Network ray tracing is designed to calculate first-arrival travel times and the corresponding rays. For your application, please, do not confuse the first-arrival travel times with the ray-theory body-wave travel times. The first-arrival travel times from the given source of any shape are calculated at all grid points of a given rectangular grid of points. Together with the first-arrival travel times, also the maximum travel-time errors may be automatically estimated.

Model specification:
For network ray tracing, the seismic model is specified in terms of grid velocities at a rectangular grid. The density of the grid should correspond to the accuracy required and to the computer memory available. In a layered or blocky medium, also the indices of geological blocks at gridpoints are recommended to be specified in addition to the velocities, in order to improve accuracy considerably.
The model specification subroutine package MODEL is recommended to describe the models and to generate the grid values, unless the user prefers his own model specification system.

Programming language, error messages, screen output, etc.

Unified memory management.
Array dimensions MRAM, MFS, MSRC and MREC and MREFL in should be adjusted according to a particular computer memory and particular application. In the basic version delivered, arrays in 'net.for' are roughly dimensioned for a computer with 16MB of RAM (see

History files.

Alphabetical list of input parameters of all programs.

New in version 3.35

Compiling and linking programs of package NET

(a) Program NET: (b) Additional program NETIND for network ray tracing within Fresnel volumes:

Running programs of package NET

It is recommended to run the programs from the history files. The history files may contain the information how to execute the programs, the data read from standard input (Fortran) or from the command line (Perl) and the data read from the SEP parameter files.

Data from standard input *:
Main input data of each program are read from the standard input, and mostly consist of a single line containing filenames and at most few numerical parameters. For the description of input data of individual programs refer to the list of files below.

Application of the network shortest path ray tracing program NET in the models described in terms of model specification subroutines of package MODEL (ver. 5.40 or later is recommended):

Two-point network ray tracing within Fresnel volumes

Description of the algorithm employing programs NET and NETIND.

List of error messages

File list of package NET

(A) Documentation:
This file. General documentation to NET (main HTML file containing basic description and links the files of this package).
List of released versions.
List of error messages with the links to their descriptions.
(B) Network ray tracing program NET:
FORTRAN77 codes listed herein, together with auxiliary data files 'net.fs2' and 'net.fs3' containing template forward stars, form the complete and functional network ray tracing program 'NET'. Usually, no other files of this package are required to perform network ray tracing.
Fortran77 source code of the network ray tracing program NET. The source code also contains the description of the input and output data, and the brief comments on the program.
Description of input data (regular network ray tracing).
Include file with most COMMON blocks for 'net.for'.
Include file with a COMMON block for 'net.for'.
Part of the FORTRAN77 source code of the NET program responsible for the 2-D "second-order" grid travel-time tracing according to Klimes (1996).
Include file with a COMMON block for 'ttt.for'.
Optimized circular 2-D forward stars.
Optimized spherical 3-D forward stars.
(C) Programs designed to generate forward stars for the NET program:
These programs are not required when using the NET program, because the forward stars for the net program are already generated and stored in 'net.fs2' and 'net.fs3'. They may be used if (1) larger forward stars than stored in the current versions of 'net.fs2' or 'net.fs3' are required (unlikely for most applications on most nowadays computers), or (2) if other than optimized forward stars are required for the purposes of comparing the performances of different algorithms or programs.
fs (subdirectory)
Program generating 2-D optimized circular forward stars according to Section 4.3 of the paper by Klimes and Kvasnicka (1994).
Program generating 3-D optimized spherical forward stars according to Section 4.3 of the paper by Klimes and Kvasnicka (1994).
Program generating 2-D circular Moser-Saito forward stars, containing all nodes within a circle except for the end nodes of the edges that would be parallel with shorter edges in a homogeneous medium.
Program generating 3-D spherical Moser-Saito forward stars, containing all nodes within a sphere except for the end nodes of the edges that would be parallel with shorter edges in a homogeneous medium.
Program generating 2-D square Moser-Saito forward stars, containing all nodes within a square except for the end nodes of the edges that would be parallel with shorter edges in a homogeneous medium. Such forward stars have been used, e.g., by T-J.Moser or H.Saito.
Program generating 3-D cubic Moser-Saito forward stars, containing all nodes within a cube except for the end nodes of the edges that would be parallel with shorter edges in a homogeneous medium. Such forward stars have been used, e.g., by T-J.Moser or H.Saito.
(D) Demo data files for the network ray tracing program itself:
SEP parameter file describing the grid dimensions.
Sample input data file for the 'net.for' program, to perform 2-D network ray tracing in a simple model without interfaces. The velocities are gridded in 'vel.dat'. The data correspond to the example described in Subsection 6.1 of Klimes and Kvasnicka (1994).
Coordinates of a point source.
Receiver coordinates.
Grid velocities in a 1-D constant velocity gradient model by P.Podvin and I.Lecomte (1991),, 105, 271-284.
(E) Indexing of Fresnel volumes (accuracy enhancement of two-point rays by means of network ray tracing within Fresnel volumes):
Notes on two-point network ray tracing within Fresnel volumes.
Program NETIND to generate the index file mapping gridpoints onto the network nodes situated within the Fresnel volume corresponding to the maximum two-point travel-time error. It also may adjust the grid density in the input data for the 'net.for' program in order to achieve the best possible accuracy of network ray tracing.
Description of input data (network ray tracing inside Fresnel volumes).

Data files related to particular models


The development of the NET package and the related algorithms has been partially supported by:
