Package DATA version 5.50

len (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT, NET)
Model with a lenticular inclusion.
VRML view of velocities, interfaces, rays and wavefronts.
2-D colour plots of velocities.
Velocity isolines in 2-D sections.
3-D two-point ray tracing for point source, plane wave incident at the bottom of the model and for exploding reflector.
3-D interpolation of travel times within ray cells.
First-arrival travel times by network ray tracing.
Fitting discrete values of interface positions, velocities and density.
prem (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM) by Dziewonski and Anderson (1981), specified in geographical spherical coordinates.
2-D two-point ray tracing in spherical coordinates.
elf1 (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
Homogeneous layers separated by dipping plane interfaces (model MI).
VRML view of complex blocks and interfaces.
3-D two-point ray tracing for moving source and receiver profile.
sd (data for packages FORMS, MODEL)
Salt dome model and dislocated salt dome model.
VRML view of interfaces.
slit (data for packages FORMS, MODEL)
Slit model.
wb (data for packages FORMS, MODEL)
Western Bohemia a priori model.
VRML view of velocities and 2-D velocity sections.
Nonlinear location of hypocentre.
l7 (data for packages FORMS, MODEL)
Model L7.
VRML view of interfaces.
mar (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
Gridded 2-D Marmousi model and INRIA bench-mark versions of the 2-D Marmousi model.
2-D colour plots of velocities.
Smoothing the Marmousi model for Gaussian-packet migrations.
Optimizing the shape of Gaussian beams for migrations.
u2d (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT, FD)
Unconformity 2-D model by Cormier and Mellen (1984).
2-D two-point ray tracing.
Comparison of ray-theory and finite-difference synthetic seismograms.
Example of calculating the derivatives with respect to travel times.
rm (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT, RM, FD)
Model RM to test ray-matrix synthetic seismograms against 2-D finite differences.
Ray-matrix synthetic seismograms.
Finite-difference synthetic seismograms.
qi (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
Anisotropic model QI for comparison of synthetic seismograms with package ANRAY.
Coupling ray theory and quasi-isotropic ray theory synthetic seismograms in an anisotropic model.
98 (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
A sample synthetic model created during the technical session of the SW3D consortium meeting in June 1998.
VRML view of velocities, interfaces and rays.
3-D two-point ray tracing.
3-D interpolation of travel times within ray cells.
Ray-theory synthetic seismograms.
tc (one-purpose Fortran codes, data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT and the one-purpose codes)
Analytical plane-wave solutions in 1-D anisotropic "twisted crystal" model. Comparison with the results of package CRT and with the exact solution.
Exact analytic solution for a plane wave in a 1-D anisotropic model.
Coupling ray theory synthetic seismograms for a plane wave.
n2 (data for packages MODEL, NET)
Simple smooth 3-D model to demonstrate network ray tracing in the paper by Klimes and Kvasnicka (1994).
Velocity isolines in 2-D sections.
Rays and travel times by network ray tracing.
ran (data for packages FORMS, NET)
Smooth 2-D random model.
Generation of 2-D random model.
First-arrival travel times by 2-D grid travel-time tracing.
2-D colour plots of velocities, travel times and slowness vectors
hes (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
2-D model with a salt body by Scott Morton.
Smoothing the model for Kirchhoff migrations.
vgr (data for packages FORMS, CRT, NET)
1-D constant velocity gradient model by Pascal Podvin.
Iterative network ray tracing within Fresnel volumes.
Numerical calculation of geometrical spreading from gridded slowness vectors.
sal (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
3-D SEG/EAGE Salt Model
Building the Salt Model by inversion.
plu (data for packages FORMS, MODEL, CRT)
2-D model Pluto 1.5
Building model Pluto 1.5 by inversion.

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