ISO 9660 with the Rock Ridge extensions
On this CD ROM:
General remarks on the SW3D software
Fortran 77 package FORMS version 5.70
Fortran 77 package MODEL version 5.70
Fortran 77 package CRT version 5.70
Fortran 77 package NET version 3.30
Fortran 77 package ANRAY version 4.45
Fortran 77 package FD version 5.50
Fortran package RMATRIX
Fortran package SEIS88
Package DATA version 5.70 containing the demo data
Alphabetical list of input SEP parameters of all programs
SW3D consortium WWW page on 4 June 2003
without software and several largest PostScript files with papers
(over 170 complete papers in HTML, GIF, PS or PDF)
Crossreferences between the packages

Upper packages require lower packages connected by solid lines
and can employ lower packages connected by dashed lines.
NR stands for
Numerical Recipes.
Please, note the possible problems referred below.
Netscape Navigator 2.0 does not recognize the HTML commands
within the Fortran source code.
This looks to be fixed in Netscape Navigator version 2.02 and later ones.
On the other hand, Netscape Navigators of versions 3 and 4 have
problems to correctly display Perl scripts with extension ".pl".
Some browsers (like Netscape Navigator 3.0) also do not display text contained
within the files with extensions ".rgb", ".cal".
In menu Options, submenu General Preferences
and panel Helpers
(Netscape Navigator 3.0 or 3.1), remove the extension (e.g., pl) from
the corresponding file type (e.g., application/x-perl).
If it cannot be just removed, replace it with another string
(e.g., xxx). To recognize HTML commands, you may also need to
add the extension (e.g., pl) to file type text/html).
Internet links to related WWW sites:
Current SW3D consortium WWW page
Department of Geophysics
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University
Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic