Example how to run history file len-mod.h
- Copy all files of packages FORMS, MODEL and CRT into working
directory, e.g., sw3d. For some programs you will need few
subroutines of
Numerical Recipes.
- Go to working directory sw3d. Edit file
Uncomment and modify commands for your compiler
and comment line with 'die "Uncomment and modify ...'
(line 46).
- Compile and link programs of packages FORMS, MODEL and CRT
using the commands:
perl fforms.pl
perl fmod.pl
perl fcrt.pl
These perl scripts compile and link all executable programs
of the packages (only few are necessary to run len-mod.h
history file). To compile and link single program,
e.g., crt.for, use the command:
perl f.pl crt
If perl interpreter is not installed on your computer,
ask your system administrator or see
- Edit file go.pl.
Set path to the root directory of
the SW3D software in global variable $SW3D (line 59)
for subroutine CHK,
e.g., $SW3D='/cdrom/web/software/sw3dcd8/'
if the SW3D-CD-8 compact disk is in your CDROM drive,
or $SW3D='/home/username/sw3d-cd/web/software/sw3dcd8/'
if the SW3D-CD-8 compact disk is copied on your harddisk.
- Copy history file len-mod.h from package DATA
(subdirectory len) into working directory sw3d.
- Enter the command:
perl go.pl len-mod.h
to run the history file. If the path
variable $SW3D in go.pl is set correctly all
files required for the computation should be checked and copied
into working directory sw3d automatically when running
the history file. You can copy required input files also manually.