Ivan Psencik
Geophysical Institute,
Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Bocni II 1401, 141 31 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Office phone: (+420) 267103 383
FAX: (+420) 272761549
E-mail: ip@ig.cas.cz
July 5, 1946.
- Graduated from Charles University, Prague, 1968, in Geophysics,
diploma thesis on ray tracing.
- RNDr degree, Charles University, Prague, 1972, in Geophysics.
- PhD degree, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1974,
in Geophysics.
- 1969: Mining Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS),
- since 1970: Research worker at the Geophysical Institute CSAS,
- 1989-1992: Head of the Seismological department of the Geophysical
Instiute CSAS, Prague.
- 1990-1992: Vicedirector of the Geophysical Institute CSAS,
Long-term visits:
- 1981 (2 months): Visiting Scientist at the University of Uppsala,
Uppsala, Sweden.
- 1984 (3 months): Visiting Scientist at the M.I.T., Cambridge,U.S.A.
and at the Stanford University, Stanford, U.S.A.
- 1986 (3 months): Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada.
- 1987 (1 month): Visiting Scientist at the University of Grenoble,
Grenoble, France.
- 1989 (3 months) Visiting Scholar at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab.,
UC, Berkeley, U.S.A.
- 1992-1994 (2 years): Visiting Professor at the Universidade Federal
da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil.
- 1995 (2 months): JSPS Fellowship at the University of Hiroshima,
- 1996 (3 months): Visiting Scientist at the Hamburg University,
Hamburg, Germany.
- 2006-2010 (7 months): Visiting Professor at the Universite P.&M.Curie,
Paris, France
Areas of research interests:
High-frequency asymptotic methods such as the ray method and
their applications to study of seismic wave propagation in
complex laterally inhomogeneous, isotropic and anisotropic
structures, theoretical geophysics.
Selected papers:
- Cerveny,V. & Psencik,I. (1972): Rays and travel-time curves
in inhomogeneous anisotropic media. Z.Geophys., 38, 565-577.
- Cerveny,V. & Psencik,I. (1972): Computation of diffracted rays
in inhomogeneous media with curved interfaces. Studia geoph.et
geod., 16, 356-366.
- Cerveny,V., Langer,J.& Psencik,I. (1974): Computation of geometric
spreading of seismic body waves in laterally inhomogeneous media
with curved interfaces. Geophys.J.R.astr.Soc., 38, 9-19.
- Popov,M.M. & Psencik,I. (1976): Whispering gallery waves in the
vicinity of the bend of an interface. Doklady AN SSSR,
230, 822-825 (in Russian).
- Cerveny,V., Molotkov,I.A. & Psencik,I. (1977): Ray Method in
Seismology, Charles University Press, Praha.
- Popov,M.M. & Psencik,I. (1978): Ray amplitudes in inhomogeneous
media with curved interfaces. Travaux Inst.Geophys.Acad.Tchecosl.
Sci. No.454, Geofysikalni sbornik 1976, Academia, Praha, 111-129.
- Popov,M.M. & Psencik,I.,1978. Computation of ray amplitudes in
laterally inhomogeneous media with curved interfaces. Studia
geoph.et geod., 22, 248-258.
- Cerveny,V. & Psencik,I. (1979): Ray amplitudes of seismic body waves
in laterally inhomogeneous media.
Geophys.J.R.astr.Soc., 57, 91-106.
- Psencik,I. (1979): Compressional, shear and converted seismic body
waves in 3D laterally inhomogeneous media with curved interfaces.
J.Geophys., 45, 381-390.
- Cerveny,V, Popov,M.M. & Psencik,I. (1982): Computation of wave
fields in inhomogeneous media - Gaussian beam approach.
Geophys.J.R.astr.Soc., 70, 109-128.
- Cerveny,V., Molotkov,I.A. & Psencik,I. (1982): Space-time ray method
for seismic wave fields. Studia geophys.et geod., 26, 342-351.
- Cerveny,V. & Psencik,I. (1983): Gaussian beams in 2-D elastic
inhomogeneous media. Geophys.J.R.astr.Soc., 72, 417-433.
- Cerveny,V. & Psencik,I. (1983): Gaussian beams and paraxial ray
approximation in three-dimensional elastic inhomogeneous media.
J.Geophys., 53, 1-15.
- Cerveny,V. & Psencik,I. (1984): Documentation of Earthquake
Algorithms. SEIS83 - Numerical modeling of seismic wave fields in
2-D laterally varying layered structures by the ray method.
E.R.Engdahl edit., Report SE-35, Boulder, 36-40.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1984):
Paraxial ray approximation in the computation of seismic
wavefields in inhomogeneous media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 79, 89-104.
- Cerveny, V., Pleinerova, J., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1987):
High-frequency radiation from earthquake sources in laterally
varying layered structures.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 88, 43-79.
- Gajewski,D. & Psencik,I. (1987):
Computation of high-frequency seismic wavefileds
in 3-D laterally inhomogeneous anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 91, 383-411.
- Moczo,P., Bard,P.-Y. & Psencik,I. (1987):
Seismic response of 2-D absorbing structures by the ray method.
J.Geophys., 62, 38-49.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1988):
Applications of the dynamic ray tracing.
Phys. Earth planet. Interiors, 51, 25-35.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1988):
Complete seismic-ray tracing in three-dimensional structures.
In: Doornbos, D.J. (ed.), Seismological Algorithms, pp. 89-168,
Academic Press, New York.
- Gajewski, D. & Psencik, I. (1988):
Ray synthetic seismograms
for a 3-D anisotropic lithospheric structure.
Phys. Earth planet. Interiors, 51, 1-23.
- Jech,J. & Psencik,I. (1989):
First-order perturbation method for anisotropic media.
Geophys.J.Int., 99, 369-376.
- Gajewski, D. & Psencik, I. (1990):
Vertical seismic profile synthetics by dynamic ray tracing
in laterally varying layered anisotropic structures.
J. geophys. Res., 95B, 11301-11315.
- Nowack, R.L. & Psencik, I. (1991):
Perturbation from isotropic to anisotropic
heterogeneous media in the ray approximation.
Geophys. J. int., 106, 1-10.
- Gajewski,D. & Psencik,I. (1992):
Vector wave fields for weakly attenuating anisotropic media
by the ray method.
Geophysics, 57, 27-38.
- Jech, J. & Psencik, I. (1992):
Kinematic inversion for qP- and qS-waves
in inhomogeneous hexagonally symmetric structures.
Geophys. J. int., 108, 604-612.
- Sileny, J. & Psencik, I. (1995):
Mechanisms of local earthquakes in 3-D inhomogeneous media
determined by waveform inversion.
Geophys. J. int., 121, 459-474.
- Eisner,L. & Psencik,I. (1996):
Computation of additional components of the first-order ray
approximation in isotropic media.
PAGEOPH, 148, 227-253.
- Psencik,I. & Teles,T.N. (1996):
Point source radiation in inhomogeneous anisotropic structures.
PAGEOPH, 148, 591-623.
- Gajewski,D. & Psencik,I. (1996):
qP-wave phase velocities in arbitrary weak anisotropic media
- a perturbation approach.
66th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc.Expl.Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 1507-1510.
- Psencik,I. (1997):
Quasi-isotropic approximation of the qS wave Green function
in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Exp. Abstracts of the 5th SBGf, Vol.1, Sao Paulo, 259-262.
- Psencik,I. (1998):
Quasi-isotropic approximation of the qS wave Green function.
68th Ann. Internat. Mtg., Soc.Expl.Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 1795-1798.
- Psencik,I. (1998):
Green's functions for inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys.J.Int., 135, 279-288.
- Psencik,I. & Gajewski,D. (1998):
Polarization, phase velocity and NMO velocity of qP waves
in arbitrary weakly anisotropic media.
Geophysics, 63, 1754-1766.
- Psencik,I. & Vavrycuk,V. (1998):
PP wave displacement R/T coefficients in weakly anisotropic media.
PAGEOPH, 151, 699-718.
- Vavrycuk,V. & Psencik,I. (1998):
PP-wave reflection coefficients in weakly anisotropic elastic media.
Geophysics, 63, 2129-2141.
- Psencik, I. & Dellinger, J. (2001):
Quasi-shear waves in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media
by the quasi-isotropic approach: a model study.
Geophysics, 66, 308-319.
- Psencik, I. & Martins, J.L. (2001):
Properties of weak contrast PP reflection/transmission
coefficients for weakly anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 45, 176-199.
- Sileny, J., Psencik, I. & Young, R.P. (2001):
Point-source inversion neglecting nearby free surface:
simulation of Underground Research Laboratory, Canada.
Geophys. J. int., 146, 171-180.
- Psencik, I. & Vavrycuk, V. (2002):
Approximate relation between the ray vector
and wave normal directions in weakly anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 46, 793-807.
- Zheng, X. & Psencik, I. (2002):
Local determination of weak anisotropy parameters
from qP-wave slowness and particle motion measurements.
Pure and appl. Geophys., 159, 1881-1905.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2003):
Properties of the zero-, first- and higher-order approximations
of attributes of elastic waves in weakly anisotropic media.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 114, 1366-1378.
- Bulant, P., Klimes, L., Psencik, I. & Vavrycuk, V. (2004):
Comparison of ray methods with the exact solution in the 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" model.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 675-688.
- Gomes, E., Zheng, X., Psencik, I., Horne, S. Leaney, S. (2004):
Local determination of weak anisotropy parameters
from a walkaway VSP qP-wave data in the Java Sea region.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 215-231.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2005):
Plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media -- I. Theory.
Geophys. J. int., 161, 197-212.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2005):
Plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media -- II. Numerical examples.
Geophys. J. int., 161, 213-229.
- Psencik, I., Farra, V. (2005):
First-order ray tracing for qP waves
in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophysics, 70, D65-D75.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2006):
Energy flux in viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 166, 1299-1317.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2006):
Particle motion of plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Russ. Geol. Geophys., 47, 551-562.
Printed also in Russian language:
Geologiya i Geofizika, 47, 23-33.
- Bulant, P., Eisner, L., Psencik, I. & Le Calvez, J. (2007):
Importance of borehole deviation surveys for monitoring
of hydraulic fracturing treatments.
Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 891-899.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2007):
Seismic ray method: Recent developments.
Advances in Geophysics, 48, 1-126.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2007):
Time-averaged and time-dependent energy-related quantities of waves
propagating in inhomogeneous viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 170, 1253-1261.
- Iversen, E. & Psencik, I. (2007):
Ray tracing for continuously rotated local coordinates
belonging to a specified anisotropy.
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 37-58.
- Psencik, I. & Farra, V. (2007):
First-order P-wave ray synthetic seismograms
in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 170, 1243-1252.
- Rössler, D., Krüger, F., Psencik, I. & Rümpker, G. (2007):
Retrieval of source parmetrs of an event of the West Bohemia
earthquake swarm in 2000 asuming anisotropy.
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 231-254.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Attenuation vector in heterogeneous, weakly dissipative,
anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 175, 346-355.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Weakly inhomogeneous plane waves in anisotropic,
weakly dissipative media.
Geophys. J. int., 172, 663-673.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Weakly inhomogeneous plane waves in anisotropic,
weakly dissipative media.
Geophys. J. int., 172, 663-673.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Quality factor Q in dissipative anisotropic media.
Geophysics, 73, T63-T75.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2008):
First-order ray computations of coupled S waves
in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 173, 979-989.
- Iversen, E. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Ray tracing and inhomogeneous dynamic ray tracing
for anisotropy specified in curvilinear coordinates.
Geophys. J. int., 174, 316-330.
- Rössler, D., Krüger, F., Psencik, I. & Rümpker, G. (2008):
Comments to "Retrieval of source parmetrs of an event
of the West Bohemia earthquake swarm in 2000 asuming anisotropy".
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 231-254.
Stud. geophys. geod., 52, 285-286.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2009):
Perturbation Hamiltonians in heterogeneous anisotropic weakly
dissipative media.
Geophys. J. int., 178, 939-949.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2010):
Gaussian beams in inhomogeneous anisotropic layered structures.
Ray-centred coordinates.
Geophys. J. int., 180, 798-812.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2010):
Coupled S waves in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media
using first-order ray tracing.
Geophys. J. int., 180, 405-417.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2010):
First-order reflection/transmission coefficients for unconverted plane
P waves in weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 183, 1443-1454.
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