Smoothing the Marmousi model for Gaussian-packet migrations

This is an example how to fit the gridded velocities by a smooth model, without interfaces, suitable for ray tracing. The models with interfaces will require further study.

We take the gridded velocities of the "Marmousi model and dataset" and build the smooth velocity model suitable for ray tracing.

Notes on history file ' mar-vel.h'

History file 'mar-vel.h' is not designed to be executed with data of subdirectory 'mar' of package DATA. It requires file 'velocity.h@' of the "Marmousi model and dataset", containing the gridded velocities. Since file 'velocity.h@' is large, history file 'mar-vel.h' has been used to create file 'mar-vel.dat' used by history files 'mar-inv.h' and 'mar-test.h'.

Data and model parametrization

Velocities in the Marmousi model are discretized on the grid of 751*2301 points with spacing 4m*4m. This is too large number of data for inversion. Since the bicubic B-splines in the model are to be spaced much more sparsely, the set of slownesses inside a cell small with respect to the B-spline cell act nearly like a single average slowness.

We choose the data grid of 76*116=8816 points with spacing 40m*80m and the B-spline grid of 16*24=384 points with spacing 200m*400m. Program 'gmdmgmt.for' then requires 384*8816+8816+384*384=3541616 storage locations in array RAM and we may perform the calculations with MRAM=4000000 corresponding to the distributed version of ''.

Notes on history file ' mar-inv.h'

Choosing the maximum Lyapunov exponent

The length of synthetic seismograms is Tmax=2.9s. This means that the maximum sum of travel times from the source and receiver is limited by Tmax,
TS + TR .LE. Tmax . (1)
For average Lyapunov exponent lambda, the maximum number of arrivals from a source times the number of arrivals from a receiver may be roughly approximated by
exp(lambda*TS) * exp(lambda*TR) . (2)
If we choose
lambda .LE. 2/Tmax = 0.690 /s , (3)
the product of the numbers of arrivals from a source and a receiver probably does not exceed exp(2), i.e., probably does not exceed 7.

Choosing the maximum Sobolev norm of the model

We assume in equation (51) of Klimes(1999) at least one shift of -ln2 for a source and one for a receiver. We thus approximate the Lyapunov exponent by
lambda = average{sqrt[neg(V*v)]} - 2 ln2 / Tmax , (4)
average{sqrt(neg[V*v)]} .LE. 2 * (1+ln2) / Tmax , (5)
where neg(f)=(f-|f|)/2 is the negative part of f, V is the second velocity derivative perpendicular to a ray and v is the velocity. We make several other rough approximations,
average[sqrt(|V*v|)] .LE. 4 * (1+ln2) / Tmax , (6)

average[(V*v)2] .LE. [ 4 * (1+ln2) / Tmax ]4 , (7)

average[(U*v3)2] .LE. [ 4 * (1+ln2) / Tmax ]4 , (8)
where U is the second slowness derivative perpendicular to a ray.
average(U2) .LE. [ 4 * (1+ln2) / Tmax ]4 / average(v)6 , (9)

||u||2 * 3/8 .LE. [ 4 * (1+ln2) / Tmax ]4 / average(v)6 , (10)

||u|| .LE. sqrt(8/3) * [ 4 * (1+ln2) / Tmax ]2 / average(v)3 , (11)
where ||u|| is the 2-D Sobolev norm given by file 'sob22.dat',
||u|| = sqrt[(u,11)2 +(u,22)2 +(2/3)u,11u,22 +(4/3)u,12)2] . (11a)
For average(v)=3000m/s, we wish the maximum Sobolev norm of the model
||u||max = 0.330E-9s/m3 . (12)

Inversion and smoothing

Objective function is taken in the form of
y = [|u-u0|/(given slowness deviation)]2 + (SOBMUL*||u||)2 , (13)
where |u-u0| is the standard slowness deviation of the model from gridded slownesses and ||u|| is the 2-D Sobolev norm given by file 'sob22.dat'. We specify a unit given slowness deviation,
(given slowness deviation)=1s/m . (13a)

(a) First iteration:
We first perform inversion with SOBMUL=0 (i.e., without smoothing) and obtain the standard slowness deviation of the model
|u-u0| = 0.290E-4 s/m (14)
stored in file 'mar-ud1.out'. Note that the standard slowness deviation from the densely sampled grid 4m*4m is larger, 0.340E-4s/m. The Sobolev norm of the model smoothed just by the projection onto the B-splines is large in comparison with (12),
||u|| = 3.735E-9 s/m3 , (15)
see file 'mar-un1.out'. The value of the objective function is
y = 0.841E-9 . (16)

(b) Second iteration:
We choose
SOBMUL = |u-u0| / (given slowness deviation) / ||u||max , (17)
where we specified (given slowness deviation)=1s/m. Then
SOBMUL = 0.290E-4 / 0.330E-9 s/m3 = 87878 m3/s (18)
and we enter
SOBMUL = 90000 m3/s (19)
for the second iteration. After the inversion, we obtain the standard slowness deviation of
|u-u0| = 0.408E-4 s/m (20)
stored in file 'mar-ud1.out', and the Sobolev norm
||u|| = 0.134E-9 s/m3 , (21)
stored in file 'mar-un1.out'. The value of the objective function is
y = 1.66E-9 + 0.145E-9 . (22)

(c) Third iteration:
We choose
SOBMUL = SOBMUL * ||u|| / ||u||max , (23)
SOBMUL = 90000 m3/s * 0.1336E-9 s/m3 / 0.330E-9 s/m3 , (24)
which is approximately
SOBMUL = 36000 m3/s . (25)
After the inversion, we obtain the standard slowness deviation of
|u-u0| = 0.377E-4 s/m (26)
stored in file 'mar-ud1.out', and the Sobolev norm
||u|| = 0.328E-9 s/m3 , (27)
stored in file 'mar-un1.out'. The value of the objective function is
y = 1.42E-9 + 0.139E-9 . (28)

(d) Subsequent iterations:
The iterations may be repeated until we arrive at the desired value of ||u||. Then, we may repeat the inversion with sparser or denser B-spline grid. If the B-spline grid is sufficiently dense, a denser B-spline grid does not influence the resulting model. If the resulting model does not change with a sparser grid, we may switch to the sparser B-spline grid. We performed the following tests of the B-spline grid density:
B-spline grid 200m*400m 250m*400m 300m*400m 375m*400m
|u-u0| / (s/m) 0.376725E-04 0.377243E-04 0.379596E-04 0.384356E-04
||u|| / (s/m3) 0.328061E-09 0.325954E-09 0.316512E-09 0.296923E-09

B-spline grid 200m*400m 200m*460m 200m*511m 200m*575m
|u-u0| / (s/m) 0.376725E-04 0.377246E-04 0.377508E-04 0.378320E-04
||u|| / (s/m3) 0.328061E-09 0.326122E-09 0.325090E-09 0.322291E-09
We might use a B-spline grid up to 1.25 times sparser in both directions than 200m*400m. Coarser grids than 250m*500m are smoothed by insufficiently sampled splines. Since the spline smoothing is much worse than smoothing with the Sobolev scalar products, we should avoid sparser B-spline grids than 250m*500m for the smoothed Marmousi model.

We stop the iterations, rename the resulting model 'mar-mod.out' to 'mar-mod.dat' and proceed to more detailed tests of the smoothed model.

Notes on history file ' mar-test.h'

Statistical properties of the model

We discretize the velocity and its first and second derivatives in the smoothed model 'mar-mod.dat'. To test the code, we calculate the standard slowness deviation once more from the gridded velocity and obtain the value of
|u-u0|grid 40*80 = 0.377E-4 s/m (29)
stored in file 'mar-ud2.out'. Similarly, we calculate the Sobolev norm of the slowness from the gridded velocity and its derivatives and obtain the value of
||u||grid 40*80 = 0.330E-9 s/m3 , (30)
stored in file 'mar-un2.out'. Note that for denser grid 8m*16m we obtain
|u-u0|grid 8*16 = 0.413E-4 s/m (31)
||u||grid 8*16 = 0.328E-9 s/m3 . (32)
The difference between ||u||grid 8*16 and the value of stored ||u|| in file 'mar-un1.out' is 0.0001E-9 s/m3. For original dense grid 4m*4m we have
|u-u0|grid 4*4 = 0.418E-4 s/m . (33)

The standard relative slowness deviation, which equals the standard relative travel-time deviation for very short rays, is
|u/u0-1|grid 40*80 = 0.130 , (34)
see file 'mar-ur2.out', and
|u/u0-1|grid 4*4 = 0.145 . (35)

We may also plot gridded slowness '' having been fit, and slowness '' in the smoothed model.

Average Lyapunov exponent for the model

Average Lyapunov exponent for the 2-D model, calculated by program 'modle2d.for', has the value of
lambda = 0.519 /s (36)
and is stored in file 'mar-lem.out' in the form of line in order to be plotted by program 'pictures.for' into the graph of the angular dependence of the directional Lyapunov exponents 'mar-led.out', see figure ''. The frame of the figure is stored in file 'mar-lef.out'. The Lyapunov exponent is averaged over the angles with a uniform weight, in accordance with the isotropic Sobolev scalar products used for smoothing. Although the Lyapunov exponent is little bit better than we formerly required, it is not as small as to decrease the smoothness of the model without testing ray tracing and the widths of Gaussian beams in the model. The product of the numbers of arrivals from a source and a receiver thus probably does not exceed exp(.519*2.9)=exp(1.5), i.e., probably does not exceed 5.

Ray tracing and widths of Gaussian beams

The source and receiver points in the Marmousi data set are equally spaced with the interval of 25m. The leftmost point at x2=425m corresponds to receiver 1 of shot 1. The rightmost point at x2=8975m corresponds to shot 240. There are thus 343 different source and receiver points from 425m to 8975m. We index them by integers from 1 to 343. File 'mar-srp.dat' contains position of formal point 0 and the interval vector between the points. Program 'srp.for' may be used to generate positions of points 1 to 343.

Ray tracing and the calculation of the gridded numbers of arrivals and the widths of Gaussian beams for a specified source point is performed by history file 'mar-crt.h'. We selected 18 source positions 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 335. The results for all specified individual sources are accumulated in common grid files (data cubes). The calculation of rays and travel times is terminated at the travel time of 2.3s. For greater travel times from a source or a receiver, the sum of both travel times would exceed the maximum travel time of 2.9s for the measurement configuration under consideration. The numbers of arrivals are small and the travel-time triplications occur only at the ends of rays terminated at travel time 2.3s. The numbers of arrivals are thus fine for calculations, as we expected from the mean Lyapunov exponent for the model.

Eighteen rows in the figure below (3.5kB) correspond to source positions 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 335. Travel times up to 2.3s are calculated. Areas with no travel times are grey. Areas with 1 arrival are yellow, areas with 3 arrivals are green.

We now calculate the standard halfwidths of Gaussian beams to check the suitability of the model for Gaussian-beam and Gaussian-packet calculations.

Standard halfwidth S of Gaussian beam of crossection
exp( -q2/(2*S2) ) , (37)
multiplied by the square root of omega=2*pi*f, is interpolated between rays and displayed in colours,
W = S * sqrt(2*pi*f) . (38)
The yellow colour corresponds to Wyellow=0km/s0.5, the green colour to
Wgreen= 3000 m/s0.5 . (39)
Trapezoidal frequency filter applied to seismograms is determined by frequencies 0Hz, 10Hz, 35Hz and 55Hz. Gaussian beam halfwidth corresponding to the green colour is at lower corner frequency of 10Hz
Sgreen = 378 m , Scyan = 756 m ; (40)
at central frequency of 25 Hz
Sgreen = 239 m , Scyan = 478 m ; (41)
and at the upper corner frequency of 35 Hz
Sgreen = 202 m , Scyan = 404 m . (42)
Since the halfwidth should be smaller than the B-spline intervals, acceptable halfwidth are between yellow and green. The values between the cyan and red are awfully bad (2 to 5 times greater values than for the green).

Three columns in the figure below (331kB) correspond to three different initial conditions for Gaussian beams, constant along the surface of the model. Eighteen rows correspond to source positions 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320, 335.

Unlike all previous tests, the standard halfwidths of Gaussian beams indicate that the model is at the edge of applicability of Gaussian beams and Gaussian packets, because of too small frequencies for the high-frequency asymptotic methods. We also see that the initial conditions for the Gaussian beams should not be constant along the model surface and should be carefully optimized. Until doing that, we cannot be sure whether the smoothed model is sufficiently smooth or must be smoothed more.
