Ludek Klimes:
Papers in reviewed journals

  1. Klimes, L. (1983): Hermite-Gaussian beams in inhomogeneous elastic media. Stud. geophys. geod., 27, 354-365. GIF150, PDF300
  2. Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1984): Paraxial ray approximation in the computation of seismic wavefields in inhomogeneous media. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 79, 89-104. GIF150, PDF300
  3. Klimes, L. (1984): Expansion of a high-frequency time-harmonic wavefield given on an initial surface into Gaussian beams. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 79, 105-118. GIF150, PDF300
  4. Cerveny, V. & Klimes, L. (1984): Synthetic body wave seismograms for three-dimensional laterally varying media. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 79, 119-133. GIF150, PDF300
  5. Klimes, L. (1984): The relation between Gaussian beams and Maslov asymptotic theory. Stud. geophys. geod., 28, 237-247. GIF150, PDF300
  6. Klimes, L. (1986): Discretization error for the superposition of Gaussian beams. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 86, 531-551. GIF150, PDF300
  7. Cerveny, V., Pleinerova, J., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1987): High-frequency radiation from earthquake sources in laterally varying layered structures. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 88, 43-79. GIF150, PDF300
  8. Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1988): Applications of the dynamic ray tracing. Phys. Earth planet. Interiors, 51, 25-35. GIF150, PDF300
  9. Klimes, L. (1989): Optimization of the shape of Gaussian beams of a fixed length. Stud. geophys. geod., 33, 146-163. GIF150, PDF300
  10. Klimes, L. (1989): Gaussian packets in the computation of seismic wavefields. Geophys. J. int., 99, 421-433. GIF150, PDF300
  11. Klimes, L. (1994): Kinematic hypocentre determination using the paraxial ray approximation. Stud. geophys. geod., 38, 140-156. GIF150, PDF300
  12. Klimes, L. (1994): Transformations for dynamic ray tracing in anisotropic media. Wave Motion, 20, 261-272. GIF150, PDF300, PS
  13. Klimes, L. & Kvasnicka, M. (1994): 3-D network ray tracing. Geophys. J. int., 116, 726-738. GIF150, PDF300
  14. Klimes, L. (1996): Accuracy of finite differences in smooth media. Pure and appl. Geophys., 148, 39-76. GIF150, PDF300, PS
  15. Klimes, L. (1996): Arrival-time residuals and hypocentre mislocation. Pure and appl. Geophys., 148, 337-342. HTML, GIF150, PDF300
  16. Klimes, L. (1996): Grid travel-time tracing: second-order method for the first arrivals in smooth media. Pure and appl. Geophys., 148, 539-563. GIF150, PDF300, PS
  17. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (1999): Interpolation of ray-theory travel times within ray cells. Geophys. J. int., 139, 273-282. PDF, PS
  18. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2002): Numerical algorithm of the coupling ray theory in weakly anisotropic media. Pure and appl. Geophys., 159, 1419-1435. PDF
  19. Klimes, L. (2002): Perturbation of the polarization vectors in the isotropic ray theory. Pure and appl. Geophys., 159, 1437-1445. PDF
  20. Klimes, L. (2002): Lyapunov exponents for 2-D ray tracing without interfaces. Pure and appl. Geophys., 159, 1465-1485. PDF
  21. Klimes, L. (2002): Application of the medium covariance functions to travel-time tomography. Pure and appl. Geophys., 159, 1791-1810. PDF
  22. Klimes, L. (2002): Correlation functions of random media. Pure and appl. Geophys., 159, 1811-1831. PDF
  23. Klimes, L. (2002): Estimating the correlation function of a self-affine random medium. Pure and appl. Geophys., 159, 1833-1853. PDF
  24. Klimes, L. (2002): Second-order and higher-order perturbations of travel time in isotropic and anisotropic media. Studia geophys. et geodaet., 46, 213-248. PDF
  25. Klimes, L. (2002): Relation of the wave-propagation metric tensor to the curvatures of the slowness and ray-velocity surfaces. Studia geophys. et geodaet., 46, 589-597. PDF
  26. Klimes, L. (2003): Weak-contrast reflection-transmission coefficients in a generally anisotropic background. Geophysics, 68, 2063-2072. PDF
  27. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2004): Comparison of quasi-isotropic approximations of the coupling ray theory with the exact solution in the 1-D anisotropic "oblique twisted crystal" model. Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 97-116. PDF
  28. Bulant, P., Klimes, L., Psencik, I. & Vavrycuk, V. (2004): Comparison of ray methods with the exact solution in the 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" model. Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 675-688. PDF
  29. Klimes, L. (2004): Analytical one-way plane-wave solution in the 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" model. Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 75-96. PDF
  30. Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2004): Errors due to the common ray approximations of the coupling ray theory. Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 117-142. PDF
  31. Klimes, L. (2006): Spatial derivatives and perturbation derivatives of amplitude in isotropic and anisotropic media. Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 417-430. PDF
  32. Klimes, L. (2006): Ray-centred coordinate systems in anisotropic media. Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 431-447. PDF
  33. Klimes, L. (2006): Common-ray tracing and dynamic ray tracing for S waves in a smooth elastic anisotropic medium. Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 449-461. PDF
  34. Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2006): Errors due to the anisotropic-common-ray approximation of the coupling ray theory. Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 463-477. PDF
  35. Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2007): Seismic ray method: Recent developments. Advances in Geophysics, 48, 1-126. PDF
  36. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2008): Numerical comparison of the isotropic-common-ray and anisotropic-common-ray approximations of the coupling ray theory. Geophys. J. int., 175, 357-374. PDF
  37. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2008): Comparison of VSP and sonic-log data in non-vertical wells in a heterogeneous structure. Geophysics, 73, U19-U25. PDF
  38. Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2008): Attenuation vector in heterogeneous, weakly dissipative, anisotropic media. Geophys. J. int., 175, 346-355. PDF
  39. Cerveny, V. & Klimes, L. (2010): Transformation relations for second-order derivatives of travel time in anisotropic media. Stud. geophys. geod., 54, 257-267. PDF
  40. Klimes, L. (2010): Phase shift of the Green tensor due to caustics in anisotropic media. Stud. geophys. geod., 54, 269-289. PDF
  41. Klimes, M. & Klimes, L. (2011): Perturbation expansions of complex-valued traveltime along real-valued reference rays. Geophys. J. int., 186, 751-759. PDF
  42. Klimes, L. (2012): Zero-order ray-theory Green tensor in a heterogeneous anisotropic elastic medium. Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 373-382. PDF
  43. Klimes, L. (2012): Resolution of prestack depth migration. Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 457-482. PDF
  44. Klimes, L. (2012): Sensitivity of seismic waves to structure. Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 483-520. PDF
  45. Klimes, L. (2013): Coupling ray series. Stud. geophys. geod., 57, 253-266. PDF
  46. Klimes, L. (2013): Relation between the propagator matrix of geodesic deviation and the second-order derivatives of the characteristic function. J. electromagn. Waves Appl., 27, 1589-1601. PDF
  47. Klimes, L. (2016): Determination of the reference symmetry axis of a generally anisotropic medium which is approximately transversely isotropic. Stud. geophys. geod., 60, 391-402. PDF
  48. Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2016): Prevailing-frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory for electromagnetic waves or elastic S waves. Stud. geophys. geod., 60, 419-450. PDF
  49. Klimes, L. (2016): Transformation of spatial and perturbation derivatives of travel time at a curved interface between two arbitrary media. Stud. geophys. geod., 60, 451-470. PDF
  50. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2017): Prevailing-frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory along the SH and SV reference rays in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxial. Stud. geophys. geod., 61, 513-540. PDF
  51. Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2017): Ray tracing and geodesic deviation of the SH and SV reference rays in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium which is approximately uniaxial. Stud. geophys. geod., 61, 497-512. PDF
  52. Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2017): Interpolation of the coupling-ray-theory Green function within ray cells. Stud. geophys. geod., 61, 541-559. PDF
  53. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2018): Comparison of the anisotropic-ray-theory rays and anisotropic common S-wave rays with the SH and SV reference rays in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity. Stud. geophys. geod., 62, 57-79. PDF
  54. Klimes, L. (2018): Superposition of Gaussian packets in smoothly heterogeneous bianisotropic media. J. electromagn. Waves Appl., 32, 1-6. PDF
  55. Klimes, L. (2018): Reference transversely isotropic medium approximating a given generally anisotropic medium. Stud. geophys. geod., 62, 255-260. PDF
  56. Klimes, L. (2018): Frequency-domain ray series for viscoelastic waves with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix. Stud. geophys. geod., 62, 261-271. PDF
  57. Klimes, L. (2018): Superpositions of Gaussian beams and column Gaussian packets in heterogeneous anisotropic media. Geophys. J. int., 215, 1739-1746. PDF
  58. Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2019): 3-D velocity models -- transformation from general to natural splines. Stud. geophys. geod., 63, 137-146. PDF
  59. Klimes, L. (2019): Calculation of the amplitudes of elastic waves in anisotropic media in Cartesian or ray-centred coordinates. Stud. geophys. geod., 63, 229-246. PDF
  60. Klimes, L. (2019): Comparison of ray-matrix and finite-difference methods in a simple 1-D velocity model. Stud. geophys. geod., 63, 247-256. PDF
  61. Klimes, L. (2021): Representation theorem for viscoelastic waves with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix. Stud. geophys. geod., 65, 53-58. PDF
  62. Klimes, L. (2021): Comparison of ray-theory synthetic seismograms with finite differences in 2D velocity model UNCONFORMITY. J. seism. Explor., 30, 271-279. PDF
  63. Klimes, L. (2021): Two S-wave eigenvectors of the Christoffel matrix need not exist in anisotropic viscoelastic media. Stud. geophys. geod., 65, 291-295. PDF
  64. Klimes, L. (2021): Sensitivity Gaussian packets. Stud. geophys. geod., 65, 296-304. PDF
  65. Neklyudov, D., Gadylshin, K., Protasov, M. & Klimes, L. (2021): Fast three-dimensional depth-velocity model building based on reflection traveltime tomography and pre-stack time migrated images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12950, 282-295. PDF
  66. Klimes, L. (2022): Rotationally invariant viscoelastic medium with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix. Stud. geophys. geod., 66, 38-47. PDF
  67. Klimes, L. (2022): Tracing real-valued reference rays in anisotropic viscoelastic media. Stud. geophys. geod., 66, 124-144. PDF
  68. Protasov, M., Gadylshin, K., Neklyudov, D. & Klimes, L. (2023): Full waveform inversion based on an asymptotic solution of Helmholtz equation. Geosciences, 13 (2023), 19 (13 pp.). PDF

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