Selected publications of the SW3D consortium
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Papers in reviewed journals and chapters in books
- Cerveny, V. (1972):
Seismic rays and ray intensities in inhomogeneous anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 29, 1-13.
- Cerveny, V. (1979):
Accuracy of ray theoretical seismograms.
J. Geophys., 46, 135-149.
- Cerveny, V. (1979):
Ray theoretical seismograms for laterally inhomogeneous structures.
J. Geophys., 46, 335-342.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (1979):
Ray amplitudes of seismic body waves in laterally inhomogeneous media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 57, 91-106.
- Cerveny, V. (1980):
A new approximation of the velocity-depth distribution
and its application to the computation of seismic wave fields.
Stud. geophys. geod., 24, 17-27.
- Cerveny, V. & Frangie, A.B. (1980):
Elementary seismograms of seismic body waves in dissipative media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 24, 365-372.
- Cerveny, V. & Hron, F. (1980):
The ray series method and dynamic ray tracing system
for three-dimensional inhomogeneous media.
Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 70, 47-77.
- Jansky, J. & Cerveny, V. (1981):
Computation of ray integrals
and ray amplitudes in radially symmetric media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 25, 288-292.
- Cerveny, V. & Jech, J. (1982):
Linearized solutions of kinematic problems of seismic body waves
in inhomogeneous slightly anisotropic media.
J. Geophys., 51, 96-104.
- Cerveny, V. (1982):
Expansion of a plane wave into Gaussian beams.
Stud. geophys. geod., 26, 120-131.
- Cerveny, V., Popov, M.M. & Psencik, I. (1982):
Computation of wave fields in inhomogeneous media --
Gaussian beam approach.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 70, 109-128.
- Cerveny, V. (1983):
Synthetic body wave seismograms for laterally
varying layered structures by the Gaussian beam method.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 73, 389-426.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (1983):
Gaussian beams and paraxial ray approximation
in three-dimensional elastic inhomogeneous media.
J. Geophys., 53, 1-15.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (1983):
Gaussian beams in two-dimensional elastic inhomogeneous media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 72, 417-433.
- Klimes, L. (1983):
Hermite-Gaussian beams in inhomogeneous elastic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 27, 354-365.
- Cerveny, V. & Firbas, P. (1984):
Numerical modelling and inversion of travel times of
seismic body waves in inhomogeneous anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 76, 41-51.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1984):
Paraxial ray approximation in the computation of seismic
wavefields in inhomogeneous media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 79, 89-104.
- Cerveny, V. & Klimes, L. (1984):
Synthetic body wave seismograms for three-dimensional laterally
varying media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 79, 119-133.
- Klimes, L. (1984):
Expansion of a high-frequency time-harmonic wavefield
given on an initial surface into Gaussian beams.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 79, 105-118.
- Klimes, L. (1984):
The relation between Gaussian beams and Maslov asymptotic theory.
Stud. geophys. geod., 28, 237-247.
- Konopaskova, J. & Cerveny, V. (1984):
Numerical modelling of time-harmonic seismic wave fields
in simple structures by the Gaussian beam method. Part I.
Stud. geophys. geod., 28, 19-35.
- Konopaskova, J. & Cerveny, V. (1984):
Numerical modelling of time-harmonic seismic wave fields
in simple structures by the Gaussian beam method. Part II.
Stud. geophys. geod., 28, 113-128.
- Cerveny, V. (1985):
Ray synthetic seismograms for complex two-dimensional
and three-dimensional structures.
J. Geophys., 58, 2-26.
- Cerveny, V. (1985):
Gaussian beam synthetic seismograms.
J. Geophys., 58, 44-72.
- Klimes, L. (1986):
Discretization error for the superposition of Gaussian beams.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 86, 531-551.
- Cerveny, V. (1987):
Ray tracing algorithms in three-dimensional
laterally varying layered structures.
In: Nolet, G. (ed.): Sesmic Tomography,
D. Reidel publ.Co., Dordrecht, pp. 99-133.
- Cerveny, V., Pleinerova, J., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1987):
High-frequency radiation from earthquake sources in laterally
varying layered structures.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 88, 43-79.
- Gajewski, D. & Psencik, I. (1987):
Computation of high-frequency seismic wavefileds
in 3-D laterally inhomogeneous anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 91, 383-411.
- Moczo, P., Bard, P.-Y. & Psencik, I. (1987):
Seismic response of 2-D absorbing structures by the ray method.
J. Geophys., 62, 38-49.
- Töpferova, D. & Cerveny, V. (1987):
Numerical modelling of seismic wave fields
in models containing stacks of thin layers.
Stud. geophys. geod., 31, 344-358.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1988):
Applications of the dynamic ray tracing.
Phys. Earth planet. Interiors, 51, 25-35.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (1988):
Complete seismic-ray tracing in three-dimensional structures.
In: Doornbos, D.J. (ed.), Seismological Algorithms, pp. 89-168,
Academic Press, New York.
- Gajewski, D. & Psencik, I. (1988):
Ray synthetic seismograms
for a 3-D anisotropic lithospheric structure.
Phys. Earth planet. Interiors, 51, 1-23.
- Cerveny, V. (1989):
Ray tracing in factorized anisotropic inhomogeneous media.
Geophys. J. int., 99, 91-100.
- Cerveny, V. (1989):
Synthetic body wave seismograms for laterally varying media
containing thin transition layers.
Geophys. J. int., 99, 331-349.
- Jech, J. & Psencik, I. (1989):
First-order perturbation method for anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 99, 369-376.
- Klimes, L. (1989):
Optimization of the shape of Gaussian beams of a fixed length.
Stud. geophys. geod., 33, 146-163.
- Klimes, L. (1989):
Gaussian packets in the computation of seismic wavefields.
Geophys. J. int., 99, 421-433.
- Gajewski, D. & Psencik, I. (1990):
Vertical seismic profile synthetics by dynamic ray tracing
in laterally varying layered anisotropic structures.
J. geophys. Res., 95B, 11301-11315.
- Cerveny, V. & Simoes-Filho, I.A. (1991):
The traveltime perturbations for seismic body waves in factorized
anisotropic inhomogeneous media.
Geophys. J. int., 107, 219-229.
- Nowack, R.L. & Psencik, I. (1991):
Perturbation from isotropic to anisotropic
heterogeneous media in the ray approximation.
Geophys. J. int., 106, 1-10.
- Cerveny, V. & Aranha, P.R.A. (1992):
Tunneling of seismic body waves through thin
high-velocity layers in complex structures.
Stud. geophys. geod., 36, 115-138.
- Cerveny, V. & Coppoli D.M., A. (1992):
Ray-Born synthetic seismograms for complex
structures containing scatterers.
Journal of Seismic Exploration, 1, 191-206.
- Cerveny, V. & de Andrade, F.C.M. (1992):
Influence of a near-surface structure on seismic
wave fields recorded at the Earth's surface.
Journal of Seismic Exploration, 1, 107-116.
- Cerveny, V. & Soares, J.E.P. (1992):
Fresnel volume ray tracing.
Geophysics, 57, 902-915.
- Gajewski, D. & Psencik, I. (1992):
Vector wave fields for weakly attenuating anisotropic media
by the ray method.
Geophysics, 57, 27-38.
- Jech, J. & Psencik, I. (1992):
Kinematic inversion for qP- and qS-waves
in inhomogeneous hexagonally symmetric structures.
Geophys. J. int., 108, 604-612.
- Cerveny, V. & de Castro, M.A. (1993):
Application of dynamic ray tracing in the 3-D inversion
of seismic-reflection data.
Geophys. J. int., 113, 776-779.
- Klimes, L. (1994):
Kinematic hypocentre determination using the paraxial ray approximation.
Stud. geophys. geod., 38, 140-156.
- Klimes, L. (1994):
Transformations for dynamic ray tracing in anisotropic media.
Wave Motion, 20, 261-272.
- Klimes, L. & Kvasnicka, M. (1994):
3-D network ray tracing.
Geophys. J. int., 116, 726-738.
- Kvasnicka, M. & Cerveny, V. (1994):
Fresnel volumes and Fresnel zones in complex laterally varying
J. seism. Explor., 3, 215-230.
- Sileny, J. & Psencik, I. (1995):
Mechanisms of local earthquakes in 3-D inhomogeneous media
determined by waveform inversion.
Geophys. J. int., 121, 459-474.
- Brokesova, J. (1996):
Construction of ray synthetic seismograms
using interpolation of travel times and ray amplitudes.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 503-538.
- Bulant, P. (1996):
Two-point ray tracing in 3-D.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 421-447.
- Eisner, L., Psencik, I. (1996):
Computation of additional components of the
first-order ray approximation in isotropic media.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 227-253.
- Jilek, P. & Cerveny, V. (1996):
Radiation patterns of point sources situated close to
structural interfaces and to the Earth's surface.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 175-225.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Accuracy of finite differences in smooth media.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 39-76.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Arrival-time residuals and hypocentre mislocation.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 337-342.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Grid travel-time tracing: second-order method for the first
arrivals in smooth media.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 539-563.
- Kvasnicka, M. & Cerveny, V. (1996):
Analytical expression for Fresnel volumes and interface
Fresnel zones of seismic body waves.
Part 1: Direct and unconverted reflected waves.
Stud. geophys. geod., 40, 136-155.
- Kvasnicka, M. & Cerveny, V. (1996):
Analytical expressions for Fresnel volumes and
interface Fresnel zones of seismic body waves.
Part 2: Transmitted and converted waves. Head waves.
Stud. geophys. geod., 40, 381-397.
- Psencik, I. & Teles, T.N. (1996):
Point source radiation in inhomogeneous anisotropic structures.
Pure appl. Geophys., 148, 591-623.
- Vavrycuk, V. & Yomogida, K. (1996):
SH-wave Green tensor for homogeneous transversely isotropic
media by higher-order approximations in asymptotic ray theory.
Wave Motion, 23, 83-93.
- Vavrycuk, V. (1997):
Elastodynamic and elastostatic Green tensors for homogeneous
weak transversely isotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 130, 786-800.
- Psencik, I. (1998):
Green's functions for inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 135, 279-288.
- Psencik, I. & Gajewski, D. (1998):
Polarization, phase velocity and NMO velocity of qP waves
in arbitrary weakly anisotropic media.
Geophysics, 63, 1754-1766.
- Psencik, I. & Vavrycuk, V. (1998):
PP wave displacement R/T coefficients in weakly anisotropic media.
Pure appl. Geophys., 151, 699-718.
- Vavrycuk, V. & Psencik, I. (1998):
PP-wave reflection coefficients in weakly anisotropic elastic media.
Geophysics, 63, 2129-2141.
- Zahradnik, J., Bucha, V. (1998):
Masking effects of subsurface layers on shallow reflecting horizons.
J. seism. Explor., 7, 73-79.
- Bulant, P. (1999):
Two-point ray-tracing and controlled initial-value ray-tracing
in 3-D heterogeneous block structures.
J. seism. Explor., 8, 57-75.
- Bulant, P., Klimes, L. (1999):
Interpolation of ray-theory travel times within ray cells.
Geophys. J. int., 139, 273-282.
- Vavrycuk, V. (1999):
Weak-contrast reflection/transmission coefficients in weakly
anisotropic elastic media: P-wave incidence.
Geophys. J. int., 138, 553-562.
Erratum: Geophys. J. int., 140 (2000), 248.
- Vavrycuk, V. (1999):
Properties of S waves near a kiss singularity: a comparison
of exact and ray solutions.
Geophys. J. int., 138, 581-589.
- Brokesova, J., Zahradnik, J. & Paraskevopoulos, P. (2000):
Ray and finite-difference modelling of CDP seismic sections
for shallow lignite deposits.
J. appl. Geophys., 45, 261-272.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2000):
Acoustic and elastodynamic 3D Green's functions for isotropic media
with a weak velocity gradient.
Wave Motion, 31, 223-236.
- Brokesova, J. (2001):
Reflection/transmission coefficients at a plane interface
in dissipative and nondissipative isotropic media: A comparison.
J. computational Acoust., 9, 623-641.
- Psencik, I. & Dellinger, J. (2001):
Quasi-shear waves in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media
by the quasi-isotropic approach: a model study.
Geophysics, 66, 308-319.
- Psencik, I. & Martins, J.L. (2001):
Properties of weak contrast PP reflection/transmission
coefficients for weakly anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 45, 176-199.
- Sileny, J., Psencik, I. & Young, R.P. (2001):
Point-source inversion neglecting nearby free surface:
simulation of Underground Research Laboratory, Canada.
Geophys. J. int., 146, 171-180.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2001):
Exact elastodynamic Green functions for simple types
of anisotropy derived from higher-order ray theory.
Studia geophys. geod., 45, 67-84.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2001):
Inversion for parameters of tensile earthquakes.
J. geophys. Res.,, 106 B, 16339-16335.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2001):
Ray tracing in anisotropic media with singularities.
Geophys. J. int., 145, 265-276.
- Bulant, P. (2002):
Sobolev scalar products
in the construction of velocity models:
Application to model Hess and to SEG/EAGE Salt Model.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1487-1506.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2002):
Numerical algorithm of the coupling ray theory in weakly anisotropic media.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1419-1435.
- Cerveny, V. (2002):
Fermat's variational principle for anisotropic inhomogeneous media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 46, 567-588.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Perturbation of the polarization vectors in the isotropic ray theory.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1437-1445.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Lyapunov exponents for 2-D ray tracing without interfaces.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1465-1485.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Application of the medium covariance functions to travel-time tomography.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1791-1810.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Correlation functions of random media.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1811-1831.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Estimating the correlation function of a self-affine random medium.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1833-1853.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Second-order and higher-order perturbations
of travel time in isotropic and anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 46, 213-248.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Relation of the wave-propagation metric tensor
to the curvatures of the slowness and ray-velocity surfaces.
Stud. geophys. geod., 46, 589-597.
- Psencik, I. & Vavrycuk, V. (2002):
Approximate relation between the ray vector
and wave normal directions in weakly anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 46, 793-807.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2002):
Asymptotic elastodynamic Green function in the kiss
singularity in homogeneous anisotropic solids.
Stud. geophys. geod., 46, 249-266.
- Zacek, K. (2002):
Smoothing the Marmousi model.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1507-1526.
- Zheng, X. & Psencik, I. (2002):
Local determination of weak anisotropy parameters
from qP-wave slowness and particle motion measurements.
Pure appl. Geophys., 159, 1881-1905.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2003):
Properties of the zero-, first- and higher-order approximations
of attributes of elastic waves in weakly anisotropic media.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 114, 1366-1378.
- Klimes, L. (2003):
Weak-contrast reflection-transmission coefficients
in a generally anisotropic background.
Geophysics, 68, 2063-2072.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2003):
Parabolic lines and caustics in homogeneous weakly anisotropic solids.
Geophys. J. int., 152, 318-334.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2003):
Behavior of rays near singularities in anisotropic media.
Physical Review B, 67, 054105-1 - 054105-8.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2003):
Generation of triplications in transversely isotropic media.
Physical Review B, 68, 054107-1 - 054107-8.
- Bulant, P. (2004):
Constructing the SEG/EAGE 3-D Salt Model
for ray tracing using Sobolev scalar products.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 689-707.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2004):
Comparison of quasi-isotropic approximations
of the coupling ray theory with the exact solution
in the 1-D anisotropic "oblique twisted crystal" model.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 97-116.
- Bulant, P., Klimes, L., Psencik, I. & Vavrycuk, V. (2004):
Comparison of ray methods with the exact solution in the 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" model.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 675-688.
- Cerveny, V. (2004):
Inhomogeneous harmonic plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 167-186.
- Gomes, E., Zheng, X., Psencik, I., Horne, S., & Leaney, S. (2004):
Local determination of weak anisotropy parameters
from a walkaway VSP qP-wave data in the Java Sea region.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 215-231.
- Klimes, L. (2004):
Analytical one-way plane-wave solution
in the 1-D anisotropic "simplified twisted crystal" model.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 75-96.
- Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2004):
Errors due to the common ray approximations of the coupling ray theory.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 117-142.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2004):
Approximate conditions for the off-axis triplication
in transversely isotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 48, 187-198.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2005):
Plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media -- I. Theory.
Geophys. J. int., 161, 197-212.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2005):
Plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media -- II. Numerical examples.
Geophys. J. int., 161, 213-229.
- Psencik, I., Farra, V. (2005):
First-order ray tracing for qP waves
in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophysics, 70, D65-D75.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2005):
Focal mechanisms in anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 161, 334-346.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2005):
Acoustic axes in triclinic anisotropy.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118, 647-653.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2005):
Acoustic axes in weak triclinic anisotropy.
Geophys. J. int., 163, 629-638.
- Bucha, V. (2006):
Ray tracing in the smoothed acoustic SEG/EAGE Salt Model.
Part 1: Seismograms.
J. seism. Explor., 15, 15-24.
- Bucha, V. (2006):
Ray tracing in the smoothed acoustic SEG/EAGE Salt Model.
Part 2: Maps of reflections.
J. seism. Explor., 15, 153-164.
- Bucha, V. (2006):
Comparison of finite-difference seismograms and ray-theory
travel times in the elastic SEG/EAGE Salt Model.
J. seism. Explor., 15, 225-239.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2006):
Energy flux in viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 166, 1299-1317.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2006):
Particle motion of plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Russ. Geol. Geophys., 47, 551-562.
Printed also in Russian language:
Geologiya i Geofizika, 47, 23-33.
- Klimes, L. (2006):
Spatial derivatives and perturbation derivatives
of amplitude in isotropic and anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 417-430.
- Klimes, L. (2006):
Ray-centred coordinate systems in anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 431-447.
- Klimes, L. (2006):
Common-ray tracing and dynamic ray tracing
for S waves in a smooth elastic anisotropic medium.
Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 449-461.
- Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2006):
Errors due to the anisotropic-common-ray
approximation of the coupling ray theory.
Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 463-477.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2006):
Calculation of the slowness vector from
the ray vector in anisotropic media.
Proc. R. Soc. A, 462, 883-896.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2006):
Focal mechanisms produced by shear faulting in
weakly transversely isotropic crustal rocks.
Geophysics, 71, D145-D151.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2006):
Comment to "qS-waves in a vicinity of the axis of symmetry
of homogeneous transversely isotropic media", by M. Popov,
G.F. Passos, and M.A. Botelho [Wave Motion 42 (2005) 191-201].
Wave Motion, 44, 128-136.
- Zacek, K. (2006):
Optimization of the shape of Gaussian beams.
Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 349-366.
- Zacek, K. (2006):
Decomposition of the wave field into optimized Gaussian packets.
Stud. geophys. geod., 50, 367-380.
- Bulant, P., Eisner, L., Psencik, I. & Le Calvez, J. (2007):
Importance of borehole deviation surveys for monitoring
of hydraulic fracturing treatments.
Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 891-899.
- Cerveny, V. (2007):
Reflection/transmission laws for slowness vectors
in viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 391-410.
- Cerveny, V. (2007):
A note on dynamic ray tracing in ray-centered
coordinates in anisotropic inhomogeneous media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 411-422.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2007):
Seismic ray method: Recent developments.
Advances in Geophysics, 48, 1-126.
- Cerveny, V. & Moser, T.J. (2007):
Ray propagator matrices in three-dimensional
anisotropic inhomogeneous layered media.
Geophys. J. int., 168, 593-604.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2007):
Time-averaged and time-dependent energy-related quantities of
harmonic waves in inhomogeneous viscoelastic anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 170, 1253-1261.
- Iversen, E. & Psencik, I. (2007):
Ray tracing for continuously rotated local coordinates
belonging to a specified anisotropy.
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 37-58.
- Moser, T.J. & Cerveny, V. (2007):
Paraxial ray methods for anisotropic inhomogeneous media.
Geophys. Prospecting, 55, 21-37.
- Psencik, I. & Farra, V. (2007):
First-order P-wave ray synthetic seismograms
in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 170, 1243-1252.
- Rössler, D., Krüger, F., Psencik, I. & Rümpker, G. (2007):
Retrieval of source parmetrs of an event of the West Bohemia
earthquake swarm in 2000 asuming anisotropy.
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 231-254.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2007):
Asymptotic Green's function in homogeneous
anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Proc. R. Soc. A, 463, 2689-2707.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2007):
Ray velocity and ray attenuation
in homogeneous anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Geophysics, 72, D119-D127.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2007):
On the retrieval of moment tensors from borehole data.
Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 381-391.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2008):
Numerical comparison of the isotropic-common-ray
and anisotropic-common-ray approximations of the coupling ray theory.
Geophys. J. int., 175, 357-374.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2008):
Comparison of VSP and sonic-log data in non-vertical wells
in a heterogeneous structure.
Geophysics, 73, U19-U25.
- Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Attenuation vector in heterogeneous, weakly dissipative,
anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 175, 346-355.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Weakly inhomogeneous plane waves in anisotropic,
weakly dissipative media.
Geophys. J. int., 172, 663-673.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Quality factor Q in dissipative anisotropic media.
Geophysics, 73, T63-T75.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2008):
First-order ray computations of coupled S waves
in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 173, 979-989.
- Iversen, E. & Psencik, I. (2008):
Ray tracing and inhomogeneous dynamic ray tracing
for anisotropy specified in curvilinear coordinates.
Geophys. J. int., 174, 316-330.
- Rössler, D., Krüger, F., Psencik, I. & Rümpker, G. (2008):
Comments to "Retrieval of source parmetrs of an event
of the West Bohemia earthquake swarm in 2000 asuming anisotropy",
Stud. geophys. geod., 51, 231-254.
Stud. geophys. geod., 52, 285-286.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2008):
Real ray tracing in anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Geophys. J. Int., 175, 617-626.
- Vavrycuk, V. (2008):
Velocity, attenuation, and quality factor in anisotropic
viscoelastic media: A perturbation approach.
Geophysics, 73, D63-D73.
- Cerveny, V. & Moser, T.J. (2009):
Paraxial ray methods in inhomogeneous anisotropic media:
Initial conditions.
Stud. geophys. geod., 53, 199-214.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2009):
Perturbation Hamiltonians in heterogeneous anisotropic weakly
dissipative media.
Geophys. J. int., 178, 939-949.
- Cerveny, V. & Klimes, L. (2010):
Transformation relations for second-order derivatives
of travel time in anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 54, 257-267.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2010):
Gaussian beams in inhomogeneous anisotropic layered structures.
Geophys. J. int., 180, 798-812.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2010):
Coupled S waves in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media
using first-order ray tracing.
Geophys. J. int., 180, 405-417.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2010):
First-order reflection/transmission coefficients for unconverted plane
P waves in weakly anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 183, 1443-1454.
- Klimes, L. (2010):
Phase shift of the Green tensor due to caustics in anisotropic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 54, 269-289.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2011):
Seismic ray theory.
In: Gupta, H.K. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics,
pp. 1244-1258, Springer, Berlin.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2011):
Boundary attenuation angles for inhomogeneous plane waves
in anisotropic dissipative media.
Geophysics, 76, WA51-WA62.
- Klimes, M. & Klimes, L. (2011):
Perturbation expansions of complex-valued traveltime
along real-valued reference rays.
Geophys. J. int., 186, 751-759.
- Bucha, V. (2012):
Kirchhoff prestack depth migration in 3-D simple models:
comparison of triclinic anisotropy with simpler anisotropies.
Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 533-552.
- Cerveny, V., Iversen, E. & Psencik, I. (2012):
Two-point paraxial traveltimes in an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium.
Geophys. J. int., 189, 1597-1610.
- Klimes, L. (2012):
Zero-order ray-theory Green tensor
in a heterogeneous anisotropic elastic medium.
Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 373-382.
- Klimes, L. (2012):
Resolution of prestack depth migration.
Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 457-482.
- Klimes, L. (2012):
Sensitivity of seismic waves to structure.
Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 483-520.
- Psencik, I., Farra, V. & Tessmer, E. (2012):
Comparison of the FORT approximation of the coupling ray theory
with the Fourier pseudospectral method.
Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 35-64.
- Cerveny, V. (2013):
A note on two-point paraxial travel times.
Stud. geophys. geod., 57, 267-275.
- Klimes, L. (2013):
Coupling ray series.
Stud. geophys. geod., 57, 253-266.
- Klimes, L. (2013):
Relation between the propagator matrix
of geodesic deviation and the second-order
derivatives of the characteristic function.
J. electromagn. Waves Appl., 27, 1589-1601.
- Sachl, L. (2013):
Validation of 3D synthetic seismograms
based on the ray-Born approximation.
Stud. geophys. geod., 57, 84-102.
- Waheed, U. bin, Psencik, I., Cerveny, V., Iversen, E. &
Alkhalifah, T. (2013):
Two-point paraxial traveltime formula for inhomogeneous
isotropic and anisotropic media: Tests of accuracy.
Geophysics, 78, C41-C56.
- Z. Jechumtalova & P. Bulant (2014):
Effects of 1-D versus 3-D velocity models on moment tensor inversion in the Dobrá Voda area
in the Little Carpathians region, Slovakia.
Journal of Seismology, 18, 511-531.
- Farra, V., Psencik, I. & Jilek, P. (2016):
Weak-anisotropy moveout approximations for P waves
in homogeneous layers of monoclinic or higher anisotropy symmetries.
Geophysics, 81, C39-C59.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2016):
Weak-anisotropy approximations of P-wave phase and ray velocities
for anisotropy of arbitrary symmetry.
Stud. geophys. geod., 60, 403-418.
- Klimes, L. (2016):
Determination of the reference symmetry axis
of a generally anisotropic medium
which is approximately transversely isotropic.
Stud. geophys. geod., 60, 391-402.
- Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2016):
Prevailing-frequency approximation
of the coupling ray theory
for electromagnetic waves or elastic S waves.
Stud. geophys. geod., 60, 419-450.
- Klimes, L. (2016):
of spatial and perturbation derivatives of travel time
at a curved interface between two arbitrary media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 60, 451-470.
- Bucha, V. (2017):
Kirchhoff prestack depth migration in simple
models with differently rotated elasticity tensor:
orthorhombic and triclinic anisotropy.
J. seism. Explor., 26, 1-24.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2017):
Prevailing-frequency approximation
of the coupling ray theory
along the SH and SV reference rays
in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium
which is approximately uniaxial.
Stud. geophys. geod., 61, 513-540.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2017):
Elementary Green function as an integral superposition
of Gaussian beams in inhomogeneous anisotropic layered
structures in Cartesian coordinates.
Geophys. J. int., 210, 561-569.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2017):
Weak-anisotropy moveout approximations
for P waves in homogeneous TOR layers.
Geophysics, 82, WA23-WA32.
- Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2017):
Ray tracing and geodesic deviation
of the SH and SV reference rays
in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium
which is approximately uniaxial.
Stud. geophys. geod., 61, 497-512.
- Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2017):
Interpolation of the coupling-ray-theory
Green function within ray cells.
Stud. geophys. geod., 61, 541-559.
- Psencik, I. & Farra, V. (2017):
Reflection moveout approximations for P-waves in a moderately
anisotropic homogeneous tilted transverse isotropy layer.
Geophysics, 82, C175-C185.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2018):
Comparison of the anisotropic-ray-theory rays
and anisotropic common S-wave rays
with the SH and SV reference rays
in a velocity model with a split intersection singularity.
Stud. geophys. geod., 62, 57-79.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2018):
Moveout approximation for a P-SV wave
in a moderately anisotropic homogeneous DTI layer.
J. appl. Geophys., 159, 690-696.
- Klimes, L. (2018):
Superposition of Gaussian packets
in smoothly heterogeneous bianisotropic media.
J. electromagn. Waves Appl., 32, 1-6.
- Klimes, L. (2018):
Reference transversely isotropic medium
approximating a given generally anisotropic medium.
Stud. geophys. geod., 62, 255-260.
- Klimes, L. (2018):
Frequency-domain ray series for viscoelastic waves
with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix.
Stud. geophys. geod., 62, 261-271.
- Klimes, L. (2018):
Superpositions of Gaussian beams and column
Gaussian packets in heterogeneous anisotropic media.
Geophys. J. int., 215, 1739-1746.
- Psencik, I., Ruzek, B., Lokajicek, T. & Svitek, T. (2018):
Determination of rock-sample anisotropy
from P- and S-wave traveltime inversion.
Geophys. J. int., 214, 1088-1104.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2019):
3-D velocity models
-- transformation from general to natural splines.
Stud. geophys. geod., 63, 137-146.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2019):
Reflection moveout approximation for a P-SV wave in a moderately
anisotropic homogeneous vertical transverse isotropic layer.
Geophysics, 84, C75-C83.
- Jakobsen, M., Psencik, I., Iversen, E. & Ursin, B. (2019):
Transition operator approach
to seismic full-waveform inversion in anisotropic elastic media.
Commun. computational Phys., 28, 297-327.
- Klimes, L. (2019):
Calculation of the amplitudes of elastic waves
in anisotropic media in Cartesian or ray-centred coordinates.
Stud. geophys. geod., 63, 229-246.
- Klimes, L. (2019):
Comparison of ray-matrix and finite-difference
methods in a simple 1-D velocity model.
Stud. geophys. geod., 63, 247-256.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2020):
P-wave reflection moveout approximation
for horizontally layered media of arbitrary moderate anisotropy.
Geophysics, 85, C61-C70.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2020):
P-wave reflection-moveout approximation for horizontally
layered media of tilted weak-to-moderate orthorhombic symmetry.
J. appl. Geophys., 178, 104057.
- Psencik, I., Ruzek, B. & Jilek, P. (2020):
Practical concept of arbitrary anisotropy
applied in traveltime inversion of simulated P-wave VSP data.
Geophysics, 85, C107-C123.
- Bucha, V. (2021):
Kirchhoff pre-stack depth scalar migration in a simple
triclinic velocity model for three-component
P, S1, S2 and converted waves.
Geophysical Prospecting, 69, 269-288.
- Bulant, P. (2021):
Two factors affecting the speed of interpolation within ray cells.
J. seism. Explor., 30, 447-453.
- Cerveny, V. & Psencik, I. (2021):
Seismic ray theory.
In: Gupta H.K. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics,
Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Springer, Cham, 2021,
pp. 1472-1487.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2021):
Weak-anisotropy approximation of P-wave geometrical spreading
in horizontally layered anisotropic media of arbitrary symmetry:
Tilted transversely isotropic specification.
Geophysics, 86, C119-C132.
- Klimes, L. (2021):
Representation theorem for viscoelastic waves
with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix.
Stud. geophys. geod., 65, 53-58.
- Klimes, L. (2021):
Comparison of ray-theory synthetic seismograms
with finite differences in 2D velocity model UNCONFORMITY.
J. seism. Explor., 30, 271-279.
- Klimes, L. (2021):
Two S-wave eigenvectors of the Christoffel matrix
need not exist in anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 65, 291-295.
- Klimes, L. (2021):
Sensitivity Gaussian packets.
Stud. geophys. geod., 65, 296-304.
- Neklyudov, D., Gadylshin, K., Protasov, M. & Klimes, L. (2021):
Fast three-dimensional depth-velocity model
building based on reflection traveltime
tomography and pre-stack time migrated images.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12950, 282-295.
- Xiao, H. & Psencik, I. (2021):
Estimation of parameters and thickness of a horizontal
layer of arbitrary anisotropy from P-wave moveout.
J. appl. Geophys., 195, 104473 (12 pp).
- Klimes, L. (2022):
Rotationally invariant viscoelastic medium
with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix.
Stud. geophys. geod., 66, 38-47.
- Klimes, L. (2022):
Tracing real-valued reference rays
in anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Stud. geophys. geod., 66, 124-144.
- Psencik, I. & Farra, V. (2022):
Weak-anisotropy approximation of P-wave reflection coefficient
in anisotropic media of arbitrary symmetry and tilt.
Geophysics, 87, C39-C48.
- Psencik, I., Wcislo, M. & Daley, P.F. (2022):
SH plane-wave reflection/transmission coefficients
in isotropic, attenuating media.
Journal of Seismology, 26, 15-34.
- Bucha, V. (2023):
Kirchhoff pre-stack depth scalar migration
of complete wave field using the prevailing-frequency
approximation of the coupling ray theory.
J. seism. Explor., 32, 105-129.
- Wcislo, M., Stanek, F., Gallovic, F., Wu, S. & Psencik, I. (2023):
Induced microseismic event with strong rupture directivity
and superimposed attenuation effects.
Seismol. Res. Letters, 94, 1455-1466.
- Farra, V. & Psencik, I. (2023):
PS reflection moveout in a homogeneous
anisotropic layer of arbitrary symmetry and tilt.
J. appl. Geophys., 215, 105062, 13 pp.
- Protasov, M., Gadylshin, K., Neklyudov, D. & Klimes, L. (2023):
Full waveform inversion based
on an asymptotic solution of Helmholtz equation.
Geosciences, 13 (2023), 19 (13 pp.).
- Psencik, I. & Farra, V. (2024):
Parameterization of anisotropic media by A-parameters.
Stud. geophys. geod., 68, 41-60.
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