Ludek Klimes:
Contributions to serial "Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures"
- Klimes, L. (1994):
Kirchhoff integrals and Fresnel zones.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 1,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 77-84.
- Klimes, L., Kvasnicka, M. and Cerveny, V. (1994):
Grid computations of rays and travel times.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 1,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 85-114.
- Klimes, L. (1994):
Grid travel-time tracing:
second-order method for the first arrivals in smooth media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 1,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 115-126.
- Klimes, L. (1994):
Accuracy of finite differences in smooth media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 1,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 127-149.
- Klimes, L. (1994):
Finite differences at structural interfaces.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 1,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 151-161.
- Klimes, L. (1994):
Fortran77 packages MODEL and CRT.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 1,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 241-252.
- Klimes, L. (1995):
Examples of seismic models.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 3,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 5-35.
- Klimes, L. (1995):
Travel-time calculation in heterogeneous 3-D structures.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 3,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 145-156.
- Klimes, L. (1995):
Grid travel-time tracing:
second-order method for the first arrivals in smooth media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 3,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 157-174.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Accuracy and resolution of the travel-time tomography.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 4,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 13-24.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Correlation function of a self-affine random medium.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 4,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 25-38.
- Bulant, P. and Klimes, L. (1996):
Examples of seismic models. Part 2.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 4,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 39-52.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Travel times in the INRIA Marmousi models.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 4,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 53-60.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Synthetic seismograms in 2-D model UNCONFORMITY.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 4,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 77-89.
- Klimes, L. (1996):
Grid travel-time tracing: accuracy comparison of several methods.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 4,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 143-150.
- Klimes, L. (1997):
Accuracy and resolution of the travel-time tomography.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 6,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 13-24.
- Klimes, L. (1997):
Correlation functions of random media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 6,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 25-40.
- Klimes, L. (1997):
Resolution of prestack seismic migration.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 6,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 41-54.
- Klimes, L. (1997):
Calculation of the third and higher travel-time derivatives
in isotropic and anisotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 6,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 157-166.
- Klimes, L. (1997):
Phase shift of the Green function due to caustics in anisotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 6,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 167-173.
- Klimes, L. (ed.) (1997):
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 6,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, p. 367.
- Bulant, P. and Klimes, L. (1998):
Interpolation of ray-theory travel times within ray cells.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 7,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 17-32.
- Bulant, P. and Klimes, L. (1998):
Computations in the model composed during the 1998 consortium meeting.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 7,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 33-56.
- Klimes, L. (1998):
Comparison of ray-matrix and finite-difference methods
in a simple 1-D model.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 7,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 169-180.
- Bulant, P. and Klimes, L. (1998):
Coupling ray theory in weakly anisotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 7,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 215-223.
- Klimes, L. (1998):
Packages FORMS version 5.20, MODEL version 5.20,
CRT version 5.20, NET version 3.10, FD version 5.20 and RMATRIX.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 7,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 399-402.
- Klimes, L. (ed.) (1998):
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 7,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, p. 405.
- Klimes, L. (1999):
Lyapunov exponents for 2-D ray tracing without interfaces.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 8,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 83-96.
- Klimes, L. (1999):
Perturbation of the polarization vectors in the isotropic ray theory.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 8,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 97-102.
- Klimes, L. (1999):
Analytical one-way plane-wave solution
in the 1-D anisotropic "twisted crystal" model.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 8,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 103-118.
- Bulant, P., Klimes, L. and Psencik, I. (1999):
Comparison of ray methods with the exact solution
in the 1-D anisotropic "twisted crystal" model.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 8,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 119-126.
- Bucha, V. and Klimes, L. (1999):
Finite differences above the MODEL package.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 8,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 171-192.
- Bucha, V. and Klimes, L. (eds.) (1999):
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 8,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, p. 193.
- Klimes, L. (2000):
Sobolev scalar products in the construction of velocity models.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 10,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 15-40.
- Klimes, L. (2000):
Smoothing the Marmousi model for Gaussian-packet migrations.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 10,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 63-74.
- Klimes, L. (2000):
Calculation of geometrical spreading from gridded slowness vectors in 2-D.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 10,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 115-120.
- Bucha, V., Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (eds.) (2000):
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 10,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, p. 227.
- Klimes, L. (2001):
Application of the medium covariance functions
to travel-time tomography.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 11,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 73-89.
- Klimes, L. (2001):
Correlation functions of random media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 11,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 91-109.
- Klimes, L. (2001):
Estimating the correlation function of a self-affine random medium.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 11,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 111-131.
- Psencik, I., Bulant, P., V.Cerveny, & Klimes, L. (2001):
Ray methods in the modelling of seismic wave fields.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 11,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 203-210.
- Bulant, P., & Klimes, L. (2001):
Numerical algorithm of the coupling ray theory in weakly anisotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 11,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 263-277.
- Bucha, V., Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (eds.) (2001):
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 11,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, p. 357.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Weak-contrast reflection/transmission coefficients
in a generally anisotropic background.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 12,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 41-52.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Transformations for dynamic ray tracing in anisotropic media
with a homogeneous Hamiltonian of an arbitrary degree.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 12,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 67-78.
- Klimes, L. (2002):
Relation of the wave-propagation metric tensor to the
curvatures of the slowness and ray-velocity surfaces.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 12,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 79-87.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2002):
Comparison of quasi-isotropic approximations of the
coupling ray theory with the exact solution in the
1-D anisotropic "oblique twisted crystal" model.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 12,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 171-184.
- Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2002):
Errors due to the common ray approximations
of the coupling ray theory.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 12,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 185-212.
- Klimes, L. (2003):
Perturbations and spatial derivatives of amplitude
in isotropic and anisotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 107-118.
- Klimes, L. (2003):
Common ray tracing and dynamic ray tracing for S waves
in a smooth elastic anisotropic medium.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 13,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 119-141.
- Klimes, L. (2004):
Gaussian packets in smooth isotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 14,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 43-54.
- Klimes, L. (2004):
Notes on summation of Gaussian beams and packets.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 14,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 55-70.
- Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2004):
Anisotropic common ray approximation of the coupling ray theory.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 14,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 107-122.
Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2005):
Seismic ray method: Recent developments.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 15,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 57-172.
Klimes, L. (2005):
Hamiltonian formulation of the Finsler and Riemann geometries.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 15,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 207-216.
Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2005):
Errors due to the anisotropic-common-ray approximation
of the coupling ray theory.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 15,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 267-287.
Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2006):
Numerical comparison of the isotropic-common-ray
and anisotropic-common-ray approximations of the coupling ray theory.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 16,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 155-178.
Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2007):
Comparison of VSP and sonic-log data
in non-vertical wells in a heterogeneous structure.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 17,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 17-26.
Klimes, L. (2007):
Sensitivity of seismic waves to the structure.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 17,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 27-61.
Klimes, L. (2007):
Coupling ray series.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 17,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 99-109.
Cerveny, V., Klimes, L. & Psencik, I. (2007):
Attenuation vector in heterogeneous,
weakly dissipative, anisotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 17,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 195-212.
Klimes, L. (2008):
Computer representation of the model covariance
function resulting from travel-time tomography.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 18,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 17-26.
Klimes, L. (2008):
Calculation of the a priori geometrical covariances
of travel times in a self-affine random medium.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 18,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 27-70.
Klimes, L. (2008):
Stochastic wavefield inversion
using the sensitivity Gaussian packets.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 18,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 71-85.
Klimes, L. (2008):
Scalar products of the structural Gabor functions.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 18,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 87-93.
Klimes, L. (2008):
Frame bounds and discretization error
of the 1-D Gabor transform.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 18,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 95-108.
Klimes, L. (2008):
A conjecture on the frame bounds of the multidimensional
Gabor transform with complex-valued envelopes.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 18,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 109-114.
Klimes, L. (2008):
Optimization of the structural Gabor functions
in a homogeneous velocity model
for a zero-offset surface seismic reflection survey.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 18,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 115-127.
Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2009):
KTB sonic logs.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 19,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 17-38.
Klimes, L. (2009):
Relation between the propagator matrix of geodesic deviation
and second-order derivatives of characteristic function.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 19,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 103-114.
Cerveny, V. & Klimes, L. (2009):
Transformation relations for second derivatives of travel time
in anisotropic media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 19,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 115-122.
Klimes, L. (2009):
System of two Hamilton-Jacobi equations
for complex-valued travel time.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 19,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 157-171.
Klimes, L. (2009):
Complex-valued eikonal-transport equation.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 19,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 173-190.
Klimes, L. (2010):
Sensitivity Gaussian packets.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 20,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 29-34.
Klimes, L. (2010):
Transformation of spatial and perturbation derivatives of
travel time at a general interface between two general media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 20,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 103-114.
Klimes, L. (2010):
Transformation of paraxial matrices
at a general interface between two general media.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 20,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 115-126.
Klimes, M. & Klimes, L. (2010):
Perturbation expansions of complex-valued
travel time along real-valued reference rays.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 20,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 193-205.
Klimes, L. (2010):
Sensitivity of electromagnetic waves
to a heterogeneous bianisotropic structure.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 20,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 207-213.
Klimes, L. (2011):
Resolution of prestack depth migration.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 21,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 27-45.
Klimes, L. (2011):
Zero-order ray-theory Green tensor
in a heterogeneous anisotropic medium.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 21,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 115-123.
Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2012):
Single-frequency approximation of the coupling ray theory.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 22,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 143-167.
L. Klimes (2013):
Sensitivity of seismic waves to structure:
Wide-angle broad-band sensitivity packets.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 23,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 17-44.
L. Klimes (2013):
Relation between the propagator matrix
of geodesic deviation and the second-order
derivatives of the characteristic function
for a general Hamiltonian function.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 23,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 121-134.
L. Klimes (2013):
Calculation of the spatial gradient
of the independent parameter along geodesics
for a general Hamiltonian function.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 23,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 135-143.
L. Klimes (2013):
Paraxial Super-Gaussian beams.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 23,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 145-148.
L. Klimes & P. Bulant (2013):
Interpolation of the coupling-ray-theory
S-wave Green tensor within ray cells.
In: Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, Report 23,
Dep. Geophys., Charles Univ., Prague, pp. 203-218.
Klimes, L. (2014):
Phase shift of a general wavefield due to caustics
in anisotropic media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 24, 95-109.
Klimes, L. (2014):
Calculation of the amplitudes of elastic waves in anisotropic
media in Cartesian or ray-centred coordinates.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 24, 111-126.
Klimes, L. (2014):
Superposition of Gaussian packets
in heterogeneous anisotropic media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 24, 127-130.
Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2014):
Prevailing-frequency approximation of the coupling
ray theory for S waves along the SH and SV reference rays
in a transversely isotropic medium.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 24, 165-177.
Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2014):
Anisotropic-ray-theory geodesic deviation
and two-point ray tracing
through a split intersection singularity.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 24, 179-187.
Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2014):
Anisotropic-ray-theory rays in velocity model
SC1_II with a split intersection singularity.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 24, 189-205.
Klimes, L. (2014):
Approximating the complex-valued Green-tensor
amplitude by a real-valued Green-tensor amplitude.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 24, 207-209.
Bulant, P. & Klimes, L. (2015):
Nonlinear hypocentre determination.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 25, 17-36.
Bucha, V. & Klimes, L. (2015):
Nonlinear hypocentre determination
in the 3-D Western Bohemia a priori velocity model.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 25, 37-50.
Klimes, L. (2015):
Superpositions of Gaussian beams and column
Gaussian packets in heterogeneous anisotropic media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 25, 103-108.
Klimes, L. (2015):
Determination of the reference symmetry axis of a generally
anisotropic medium which is approximately transversely isotropic.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 25, 177-185.
Klimes, L. & Bulant, P. (2015):
Ray tracing and geodesic deviation of the SH and SV reference
rays in a heterogeneous generally anisotropic medium
which is approximately transversely isotropic.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 25, 187-208.
Klimes, L. (2016):
Superpositions of Gaussian beams and column
Gaussian packets in heterogeneous anisotropic media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 26, 123-130.
Klimes, L. (2016):
Reference transversely isotropic medium
approximating a given generally anisotropic medium.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 26, 155-168.
Klimes, L. (2016):
Frequency-domain ray series for viscoelastic waves
with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 26, 159-166.
Klimes, L. (2016):
Ray series for electromagnetic waves in static
heterogeneous bianisotropic dielectric media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 26, 167-182.
Klimes, L. (2017):
Representation theorem for viscoelastic waves
with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 27, 93-96.
Klimes, L. (2017):
Rotationally invariant viscoelastic medium
with a non-symmetric stiffness matrix.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 27, 97-103.
Klimes, L. (2017):
Field equivalence principle for electromagnetic waves
in a heterogeneous generally bianisotropic medium.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 27, 105-110.
Klimes, L. (2017):
Rotationally invariant bianisotropic electromagnetic medium.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 27, 111-118.
Klimes, L. (2017):
Uniaxial bianisotropic electromagnetic medium
with a split intersection slowness-surface singularity.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 27, 119-125.
Klimes, L. (2017):
Determination of the reference symmetry axis
of a generally bianisotropic electromagnetic medium
which could be approximately rotationally invariant.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 27, 127-131.
Klimes, L. (2020):
Two S-wave eigenvectors of the Christoffel matrix
need not exist in anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 30, 73-76.
Klimes, L. (2020):
Tracing real-valued reference rays
in anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 30, 77-94.
Klimes, L. (2022):
S-wave polarization vectors in anisotropic viscoelastic media.
Seismic Waves in Complex 3-D Structures, 31, 69-87.
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